
This person suffered from dwarfism from a young age and was 1 meter 2 tall, but after the age of 18, he grew sharply to 2 meters 16, only because of one thing

Height problem has been plaguing many people, before people do not know what factors affect height, with the development of medicine, mothers can pay close attention to whether the child's height is in a normal stage from a young age, what nutrition to supplement can keep up, but we want to talk about this special person today, he experienced the world of dwarfs in the first half of his life, and experienced the inconvenience of giants in the second half of his life.

This person suffered from dwarfism from a young age and was 1 meter 2 tall, but after the age of 18, he grew sharply to 2 meters 16, only because of one thing

Adam was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1899, and although his family was not as wealthy, Adam had all the love of his parents. After going to elementary school, Adam suddenly found that his classmates around him were growing tall, only he did not change, and his parents also saw this situation and tried to give him good food as much as possible, but it had not been effective. Seeing that the gap between Adam and his peers is getting bigger and bigger, his parents can only take him to the hospital to see him in a hurry, but they learn that Adam is suffering from dwarfism, and he no longer secretes growth hormone in his body, which means that he has been a child in his life. The parents were puzzled, both of them were of normal height, how could the child get such a disease, and Adam began to suffer from the white eyes and ridicule of his classmates in school, and he became more and more reticent, lonely and did not talk to people.

This person suffered from dwarfism from a young age and was 1 meter 2 tall, but after the age of 18, he grew sharply to 2 meters 16, only because of one thing

At 1 meter 2 tall, Adam's birthday wish every year is to hope that he will grow taller, but it has never been realized... As the days went on, Adam had accepted this fact and was ready to spend his life like this, but things changed drastically. In 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince was assassinated, and austria-Hungary used it to wage war against Serbia, which spread to most of the West and led to World War I. Adult men in austria-Hungary were mobilized to the front, and 18-year-old Adam naturally wanted to serve the country, but was brushed off because he was not tall enough. Although this unfairness has accompanied him for more than ten years, he is still unwilling, he went home and worked hard, and a year later he was brushed off again because of his height, but he found that his height was 5 centimeters higher than before!

This person suffered from dwarfism from a young age and was 1 meter 2 tall, but after the age of 18, he grew sharply to 2 meters 16, only because of one thing

This discovery made him very happy, and soon he found that his shoes could not be worn, all of which showed that Adam began to grow tall, the family was ecstatic, and in only two years Adam's height caught up with adults, and he became 1 meter 8 large, and even the doctor could not explain. God's gift has not yet been delivered, Adam's height is still growing, this momentum makes him a little worried, although the speed of growth has slowed down, but his height has finally reached 2 meters 16, many people will say that this is not yet Yao Minggao, but for Adam, who was characterized by doctors as dwarfism, it is definitely an abnormal situation. At the age of 30, Adam began to notice the difference in his body, his spine and limbs and bones were deformed due to overwhelm, and it was difficult to walk normally, so he had to walk into the hospital again.

This person suffered from dwarfism from a young age and was 1 meter 2 tall, but after the age of 18, he grew sharply to 2 meters 16, only because of one thing

Eventually, doctors found a tumor in the pituitary gland of his head, before Adam's pituitary gland could not secrete enough growth hormone to cause dwarfism, but later this tumor pressed into the pituitary gland, which caused a large amount of secretion of growth hormone, resulting in the subsequent Adam height is different from ordinary people. In fact, this tumor is benign, resection can be, but the medical techniques at that time were not in place, so the hospital did not dare to carry out resection surgery, just like this, Adam could only live with this tumor, and it did not take long for the tumor to compress the optic nerve, Adam was blind in his left eye, and then there were various complications, at the age of only 50, Adam died.

The person who has experienced dwarfism and gigantism all his life should be the only one...

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