
Why are more and more people starting to do three generations of test tubes now?

At present, the world's infertility patients show a trend of rejuvenation. According to relevant report statistics, the incidence of infertility in China has risen from 10% to 18%, which means that one in every 5.6 couples of childbearing age faces fertility difficulties... As a result, in recent years, more and more families have sought IVF assisted reproductive technology to help with pregnancy. So why are there more and more people who are infertile?

More and more people are choosing IVF, and AA69 fertility believes that one of the important reasons is that the technology is more adaptable than other fertility techniques.

Why are more and more people starting to do three generations of test tubes now?

The first generation of IVF is mainly caused by women with blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and other women. Second-generation IVF targets male infertility, such as less irreversible obstructive azoospermia. Third-generation IVF is also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

Unlike the first and second generations, the third generation IVF technique is mainly aimed at women with a family history of genetic diseases and multiple second-generation failures. On the 5th-6th day of embryonic development, the doctor will pick out one cell from each blastocyst for testing. Embryos with abnormal chromosomal numbers can be screened to distinguish between male and female embryos. Choosing a high-quality and healthy embryo transfer can increase the chance of conception and achieve eugenics for IVF.

Why are more and more people starting to do three generations of test tubes now?

Why are there more and more infertility people now? On the one hand, environmental pollution is now factory exhaust pollution, directly leading to the decline in air quality, industrial wastewater also causes certain harm to human health, is a food safety problem, now food contains a large number of preservatives, additives, these food additives can affect human hormones, women ovulation has a certain impact, men also to a certain extent affect the survival rate of sperm.

At the same time, the current young people often stay up late, and the pressure of life is very high. Young people often stay up late, which is very harmful to the body. Staying up late is very harmful to the body. Men often stay up late can lead to spermatogenesis dysfunction, reduced sperm count, poor motility, high malformation rate, increased DNA fragmentation rate, easy to lead to male infertility, easy to miscarry after pregnancy. Women often stay up late will lead to endocrine disorders, kidney deficiency, menstrual irregularities, insufficient qi and blood and other diseases, which may lead to premature ovarian failure, and eventually can only be assisted by IVF.

Why are more and more people starting to do three generations of test tubes now?

There is also the fact that multiple miscarriages can easily lead to habitual miscarriages, uterine adhesions and infertility. Currently, there are many solutions to infertility. Among them, after more than 40 years of development, IVF technology has benefited tens of millions of families.

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