
How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

60 years old is the transition period from middle age to old age, and it is necessary to do a good job of physical maintenance measures, otherwise many diseases will come to the door, such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, stroke and so on.

However, in daily life, many people do not know how to do to maintain the body, in fact, the method is also very simple, only need to adhere to the following 4 habits, you can achieve a very good effect, I hope that middle-aged people in advance to understand.

1. Eat a balanced diet

As the saying goes, people take food as the sky, if you want to have a healthy body, you need to pay attention to diet, especially after the age of 60, you must not have the habit of picky eating. First of all, be sure to stay away from high-fat, high-calorie and pickled foods, and eat more fresh vegetables and whole grains.

Because vegetables have vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed by the human body, and coarse grains can not only enhance satiety, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

2. Regular work and rest

In the old age stage, it is more necessary to adapt to natural changes, reasonable arrangement of work and rest, under normal circumstances, before 10:00 pm, you need to enter the sleep state, because this stage of yang is weaker, yin is more abundant, if there is a habit of staying up late, it is easy to reduce the body's resistance.

In addition, to ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep time, when the sun rises, the sympathetic nervous system is in a state of excitement, then breathe more fresh air, as well as a moderate amount of exercise, you can ensure a good mental state.

How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

3. Correct exercise

Life lies in exercise, because exercise has many benefits for the human body, such as promoting blood circulation and accelerating metabolism, especially when young itself has irregular diet, sedentary and other behaviors, blood vessels often have hardening and narrowing, etc., so that blood circulation is inevitably hindered, and if it is the right amount of exercise, it can ensure that the blood delivery of each organ tissue is rich.

However, because with the increase of age, calcium is gradually lost, and some people often have chronic diseases, so the elderly are not suitable for too strenuous exercise, it is recommended to choose walking, playing tai chi and other ways, but also can achieve a very good effect.

How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

4. Maintain an optimistic attitude

Confucius said in the Analects that sixty and obedient, from the literal meaning, after a person passes the age of 60, maintaining a peaceful state of mind is the most critical step in health maintenance.

Because when in a state of excessive anxiety and irritability, the hormone level in the body is disturbed, which in turn promotes sympathetic excitement, especially in the case of hypertension and high blood lipids, and may even induce serious diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.

How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

Of course, there are many ways to maintain the body, in addition to insisting on doing the above 4 things, it is recommended that the elderly crawl more in their daily lives.

The reason why this is done is that crawling helps to improve vascular circulation and nutrient metabolism, and the weight of the body can be dispersed to the limbs during crawling, thereby reducing the load on the lumbar spine and preventing lumbar spine diseases.

How to maintain after 60 years old to extend life? Don't hide from everyone, do 4 habits, the body is tougher

All in all, 60 years old is indeed the most important stage of life, if you master the correct health care methods, you will be able to develop a long-lived physique and lay a good foundation.

Therefore, I advise you to start from your living habits and adhere to the four things mentioned above, such as a balanced diet, a regular schedule, correct exercise and maintaining an optimistic attitude.

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