
"Furong Daughter Curse" tears one word at a time, writing the culprit who framed Daiyu, and Baoyu was seriously ill for this

Although Jia Baoyu repeatedly fell behind in the activities of the "Haitang Poetry Society" and was often the one who was punished, the longest and most magnificent piece of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" was written by Jia Baoyu.

"Furong Daughter Curse" tears one word at a time, writing the culprit who framed Daiyu, and Baoyu was seriously ill for this

This article is the famous "Hibiscus Daughter Recitation". Readers familiar with "Dream of the Red Chamber" know that "Furong Daughter Recitation" is a sacrifice text written by Jia Baoyu when he heard Qingwen say that Qingwen had become a hibiscus flower god after Qingwen's death. But in fact, we also know that at the time of the "Shouyi Hongqunfang Night Feast", Dai Yu is the Furong.

The Dai Yu Qing. Dai Yu thought silently, "I don't know what else is good, it is good to be carried by me." One side reached out and took one, only to see a hibiscus painted on it, inscribed with the words "Wind Dew Clear Sorrow", and an old poem on that side, the Tao is "Mo complains about the east wind when it comes to self-pity"... Everyone laughed and said, "This is excellent, except for her, no one else deserves to be Fleur." ”

"Red face is better than a person's thin life, don't complain about the East Wind when you are self-congratulatory", from Ouyang Xiu's "Two Songs with Wang Jiefu Ming Concubine", judging from the content of this poem, it is almost like it is tailor-made for Daiyu.

However, Cao Xueqin clearly said, "Others are not worthy to be Hibiscus", why did she give Qingwen a title of Hibiscus Flower God? This is naturally because "the sun is the shadow". This "Furong Daughter Recitation", "Famous Qingwen, True Recitation daiyu".

"Furong Daughter Curse" tears one word at a time, writing the culprit who framed Daiyu, and Baoyu was seriously ill for this

And in the recitation, "and the coffin of the incense tree was burned, ashamed to violate the alliance of the common cave; the stone rafter became a disaster, and the shame was the same as the slander of the ashes", it also tells the story of Dai Yu and Jia Baoyu. Jia Baoyu had long determined that only Lin Daiyu was his lifelong companion, that is, the "Alliance of common caves"; he once said to Zi Juan, "I only tell you a word of slaps, live, let's live together; not alive, let's turn into ashes and smoke in one place", that is, "the same ash".

Later, Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu jointly changed "In the red silk tent, the prince is affectionate; in the Loess Longzhong, the daughter is thin", it was changed to "Under the screen window, I had no chance; in the Loess Longzhong, Qing He Thin Life", which is jia Baoyu's heartfelt words to Lin Daiyu. Therefore, this sentence made Lin Daiyu "suddenly change color, and there are infinite fox doubts in her heart."

Well, we all know that "Furong Daughter Recitation" is actually a sacrifice text written by Jia Baoyu to Lin Daiyu, so what kind of information is revealed in this sacrifice text? After all, Cao Xueqin likes to quietly hide the fate and ending of the characters in the book in the article poems.

"The dove is evil and high, the eagle duck is turned over by the luo (luo) (zhuo); the dove is jealous of its smell, and the dove is actually eaten by the dragon", these two sentences are used in the sentences in "Leaving the Troubles", "I make the duck a medium, the duck sues Yu yi is not good; the male dove's song is gone, and the yu is still disgusted with its lightness", and Cao Xueqin uses "dove" and "薋薋" to compare those who are bent on framing Lin Daiyu."

"Furong Daughter Curse" tears one word at a time, writing the culprit who framed Daiyu, and Baoyu was seriously ill for this

Subsequently, Cao Xueqin wrote a thrilling sentence, "Curse the mouth of the slave, will you be lenient?" It is obvious that "suing slaves" and "humpty women" are the people who framed Lin Daiyu, which is why Jia Baoyu hates them so much. So, who is Jia Baoyu's "slave" and "humble woman"?

Among the many slaves around Jia Baoyu, only the raider has this ability and this opportunity, and she thinks of trying to slander Lin Daiyu, not once or twice; and the "humble woman" can only be Jia Baoyu's mother, Lady Wang.

Of course, it was very inappropriate for Jia Baoyu to call his mother in this way, but only Lady Wang met such a requirement. And Qingwen's death was also caused by Madame Wang's fierceness. Even if Qingwen died, Lady Wang still refused to let her go, and she still wanted to frame her for having her daughter's tuberculosis, and ordered Duo Hun And Duo girl to immediately send Qingwen to the outside human field.

Corresponding to Lin Daiyu, Zi Juan also once said, "If there is no old lady, the girl can only be bullied", in the Jia Province, who is the one who dares to bully Lin Daiyu? There is also only Madame Wang. Therefore, Qingwen's death corresponds to Daiyu's death, which is closely related to Lady Wang's fierceness.

The truth of Daiyu's death, that is, through this sentence of "Furong Daughter Curse" "Su Nu" and "Humble Woman", reveals the truth, an attacker, a Lady Wang, are the culprits who framed Daiyu.

For attacking people, Jia Baoyu could find a way to get out of the way, but for Madame Wang, Jia Baoyu couldn't do anything. After Qingwen's death, Jia Baoyu fell seriously ill, in fact, out of helplessness and pain, which was also a preview of Daiyu's death.

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