
Next year's first water retrograde period during the constellation of the water retrograde light disaster area

During the water retrograde period, many people will become particularly unhappy because of the influence of Mercury retrograde, and even encounter a lot of unfortunate things, especially in the mood, will become more irritable and irritable, so in the first water retrograde next year, which constellations will encounter some more difficult things, and where are the specific manifestations?

Next year's first water retrograde period during the constellation of the water retrograde light disaster area

Next year's first water retrograde period during the constellation of the water retrograde light disaster area

The ascending sign or sun sign is Gemini

Gemini people will be affected by the horoscope during the first water retrograde next year, which will slow down your things and be powerless. From life to career, there will be delays, easy to communicate, and misunderstandings with close people. Workplace matters should be repeatedly verified, and it is a fool's errand to straighten out priorities. It is best not to sign documents or contracts. There will be gains on the financial side. Intimate relationships and personal income are tested, do not have too much adjustment, do not easily unilaterally change a relationship, and patiently wait for a turnaround.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Aquarius

The so-called people are troublesome, due to the influence of Mercury retrograde, your life will be updated and turned, especially when it comes to career planning, someone halfway out wants to pull you into the company, think clearly and then decide. When making transactions and negotiations, it is necessary to grasp the news of multiple parties, and it is best to wait for uncertainties. Leigh and old friends are more in touch. Intuition is enhanced, and there is only a line between self-confidence and arrogance. Career has the opportunity to change the status quo, the key is not to follow the crowd, you can make an effort to communicate with the superior.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Aries

Because of the influence of water retrograde, Aries people begin to become careless in life, throwing around and not having a clear mind. Don't jump ship in your career, it's best to have more contact with familiar people and avoid dealing with too many people. Many things are unexpected, whether it is a pen or a verbal promise, do not take it for granted. Pay attention to electronic equipment, check meetings, and business trip times. Emotions are wavering, don't force yourself to make decisions, even if there is pressure from the outside world. Travel time is easy to have a bad pool, communicate with people pay attention to words, others' delays will affect your plans, do not easily sign documents.

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