
The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

——Study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Literary Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association (Part 1)

Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. On December 14, the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association opened in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech, stressing that over the past one hundred years, the party has led the literary and artistic front to continuously explore and practice, and has embarked on a path of literary and artistic development guided by Marxism, in line with China's national conditions and cultural traditions, and exalting the people's nature, which has pointed out the way forward for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art.

General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward 5 hopes for the vast number of literary and art workers. The first is to be concerned about the great cause of national rejuvenation and enthusiastically depict the magnificent atmosphere of the new journey in the new era; the second is to adhere to the people's stand and write an endless people's epic; the third is to persist in upholding integrity and innovation, and to use the fine works that keep up with the times to open up a new realm of literature and art; the fourth is to tell the Chinese story well with affection and strength, and to show the world a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China; fifth, persist in carrying forward the right path, and achieve the value of life in the pursuit of virtue and art.

Listening to the general secretary's important speech, the artists and writers of Hebei Province were full of emotion and felt that they had a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. This newspaper specially invites some representatives of artists and writers in our province to focus on studying and understanding the spirit of the speech, implement the 5-point hope into the practice of literary and artistic creation, and freely talk about their learning experiences and experiences. Culture Weekly published two reports, this article on how to care about the great cause of national rejuvenation, enthusiastically depict the magnificent atmosphere of the new journey in the new era, how to adhere to the people's position, write the people's epic poem, and other issues, please pay attention to.

Concerned about the great cause of national rejuvenation,

Enthusiastically depict the grandeur of the new journey of the new era

The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

Qi Haifeng's oil painting "Xiong'an Imagination"

It is the responsibility of the vast number of literary and artistic workers to recognize and reflect the spiritual temperament of the new era and to depict and display the thousands of weather conditions of the new era.

At the session of the WenDai Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned "the people" and "the times" many times in his speech, which made Qi Haifeng, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, have a sense of responsibility and mission.

During the fight against the new crown epidemic, the first to create artistic works showing the retrograde armor of angels dressed in white clothes were "Together" and "Unity of Will"; the landscape painting "Baiyangdian Imagination" on the theme of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was collected by the Nanhu Revolution Memorial Hall; the oil painting "Xiong'an Imagination", which showed the fiery construction scene of Xiong'an New District, and the landscape painting "Taihang Echo", which expressed the backbone of China and the national spirit, was collected by the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China..." What supports and inspires me to create is the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and I want to express the main theme of the times through my works. Qi Haifeng believes that in the torrent of the times, artistic creation should become a carrier of the times, and artists should actively participate in the creation of major national theme art, and use brushes to depict revolutionary history and group portraits of the times.

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, and a new journey has been smoothly launched. Qi Haifeng introduced that at this important moment recorded in history, the Provincial Artists Association actively organized the Hebei art creation team to pay attention to and lyricize the big theme of the times with a big vision and great feelings, and went deep into the front line of poverty alleviation, the Zhangjiakou Division of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the weiwei Taihang Mountain to collect style and create... Recording and expressing the highlight moments of the long river of history that will last forever in the journey of the people's struggle not only experiences the team of art creation and enhances the self-cultivation of literary and art workers, but also responds to the call of the times with a high degree of cultural consciousness and cultural responsibility in the process of expressing the beauty of the times.

"As a literary and art worker, I feel a great responsibility and a glorious mission. In the future, we must continue to go deep into life, grasp the great changes in history and modern life, constantly depict the spiritual outlook of composing the new era, constantly feel the pulse of art from the pulse of the times, describe the beauty of the times, and express the beauty of Chinese history, the beauty of mountains and rivers, and the beauty of culture. Qi Haifeng said that pen and ink should be contemporary. As an art worker, only by grasping the historical process and the general trend of the times, and recording the times, expressing the times, and praising the times with heart, affection, and hard work, can the works have vitality and the creation show significance.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the vast number of literary and art workers "should establish a grand historical outlook and a grand view of the times, grasp the historical process and the general trend of the times, reflect the great changes of the Chinese nation over the past thousand years, reveal the right path in the world of China over the past century, carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, carry forward the great spirit of party building, and sing the main theme of the times." In this regard, Guo Jingyu, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and vice chairman of the Provincial Film and Television Artists Association, was deeply touched.

In Guo Jingyu's heart, generations of literary and art workers have established the tide of the times and made the precursors of the times, creating works that are popular among the population and becoming the "most beautiful footnotes" of the times. From the groundbreaking of the founding of the party, to the change of heaven and earth of the founding of New China, to the earth-shaking reform and opening up, and then to the historic achievements and historic changes in the cause of the party and the state since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, the melody of literature and art has always stirred in the course of a hundred years of journey, drumming and shouting for hundreds of millions of people and the great motherland.

Guo Jingyu said that the industrious and simple Chinese people rely on their own hands and unremitting struggle to change their lives, as literary and art workers in the new era, only with full respect and dedication to telling their stories can they write a magnificent picture of the times. Recently, literary and artistic workers in our province have focused on the major achievements in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the comprehensive victory won in poverty alleviation, and the realization of the first centenary goal as scheduled, and created and launched a series of excellent works that highlight the spirit of the times.

The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

Stills from the TV series "The Most Beautiful Youth"

The more important the theme, the richer the content behind it that can be excavated, and the more fertile the soil for the work to take root and grow. Creators can only find emotional resonance if they write about familiar lives. Up to now, the TV series "The Most Beautiful Youth" and "The Most Beautiful Countryside" created by Guo Jingyu have been broadcast on CCTV. "The third part of "The Most Beautiful Promise" will focus on the construction of Xiong'an New Area, a historical event with more characteristics of the times and surging enthusiasm, write about the devotees, builders and entrepreneurs of Xiong'an New Area, and praise the great era. Turning this fiery practice of reform and innovation into a figurative work of art will be the new mission of me and my creative team! Guo Jingyu said that this theme is very large, and he and the main creator of the play, Yang Yong, vice chairman of the Provincial Writers Association and secretary of the party group of the Chengde Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, will certainly cherish the opportunity to create, seize the great opportunity of the party and the state to care about literature and art, and take root in life in a down-to-earth manner; sink their hearts, feelings, and thoughts into the builders of the Xiong'an New Area, that is, among the people; they will devote themselves to it with all their might, accomplish the task well, and make a work that can stand up, stand up to scrutiny, and withstand the test of history, and set up a legacy for the times.

"It is necessary to extract themes and extract themes from the changes of the times, the progress of China, and the people's cries, show the beauty of Chinese history, the beauty of mountains and rivers, and the beauty of culture, express the aspirations of the Chinese people to struggle, the power of creation, and the fruits of development, and show the spiritual weather of the new era in an all-round panorama." The general secretary's earnest entrustment has greatly inspired the literary and artistic workers in my province.

Take the original intention of literature as the lamp and write to the depths of the times.

The vast number of writers in our province have always adhered to the people-centered creative orientation, put the perception of the times, the praise of the motherland, and the love of the people into their works, and written the themes of the times such as poverty alleviation, building a well-off society in an all-round way, the centenary of the founding of the party, and fighting the new crown epidemic, or recorded the new atmosphere of China in the new era with real brushstrokes, or explored the steps of the development of the times from subtle points. In the meticulous laying, the sonorous footsteps of the times are conveyed.

"Writers should fully understand the great significance of literature in the new era, truly perceive the new era, touch the pulse and rhythm of the new era with their hearts, write the main tone of the new era, write the temperature of the new era, let literature synchronize with the breath of the new era, and play with the pulse of the new era." Liu Jiandong, vice chairman of the Provincial Writers Association and a novelist, believes that the classic literary works of any era are a portrayal of the social life and spirit of that era, and all have the imprint of that era. To deeply understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, we must truly understand this era, understand this era, find our own creative inspiration in reality, and find our own creative methods. Closely combine the true face of the times with the face of one's own literature.

Liu Jiandong believes that literature is not a rigid art, and only by constantly enriching and improving with the progress of the times can we always maintain youth and vitality, and can we truly reflect the value of literary existence. We must constantly enhance our thinking on the laws of literature and build an artistic bridge of interconnection between literature and the times. Writers should improve their ability to think, distinguish, innovate and create in new fields and new era spaces, go out of their personal inner experience and experience, integrate their unique personal experience into the common experience of the broader people, find the source of the spirit of the times, and write the genealogy of the spirit of the times.

Stick to the people's position,

Write the epic of the people that never stops

The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

National Opera "The Wild Goose Plume Team"

The people are the starting point and foothold of literary and artistic creation, and it is our fundamental stand to create for the people and make speeches for the people. Adhering to the people's stand and focusing on writing the people's epic poems that are endless in this new era should become the new mission of the current literary and art workers.

In recent years, Hebei's literary and artistic circles have regarded going deep into life and taking root in the people as a compulsory course, insisting on going deep and digging down, excavating the most vivid materials from the practice of production and life, mastering first-hand information, and offering a steaming cultural feast for the masses of the people. The Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Volunteer Service Grassroots "100 Million" Project, which has been carried out by the Provincial Federation of Literature and Art for many consecutive years, has been selected as the "Best Volunteer Service Project" by the Central Propaganda Department and the Central Civilization Office; the Provincial Music Association has organized "Our Chinese Dream" -- Culture into the Wanjia Hebei Provincial Music Association "Golden Bell Star" to benefit the people, carried out the theme song collection activity of "Decisive victory over the all-round well-off, decisive battle against poverty", participated in the creation and arrangement of large-scale symphonic group songs "Hebei Full of Hope" and the national opera "Wild Goose Plume Team"; the Provincial Writers Association organized the Red Literary Light Cavalry Hebei Tour. Send literature to a series of activities such as grassroots special topic collection and creation. The willingness of the vast number of literary and art workers to go deep into their lives and take root in the people is even stronger, and writing the people's epic poems that are endless has become a conscious action.

Among the people, there is an inexhaustible source of abundance for all literature and art. "Literary and artistic creation in the new era must persist in taking the people as the center, pay attention to what the people think and expect, speak for the people, and speak for the times, so that we can create literary and artistic works with profound thinking, exquisite art, and excellent production, and only then can we praise them for future generations." Guo Yuhong, vice chairman and secretary general of the Provincial Music Association, said that socialist literature and art are essentially the people's literature and art. Tracing back to the roots, literary and artistic works come from the production and life practices of the broad masses of the people. Therefore, we must adhere to the people-centered creative orientation. "The growth of literature and art cannot be separated from the nourishment of the people" is an objective law that cannot be violated at any time, and it is also the fundamental experience that all literary and artistic masterpieces can be permanently inherited and can withstand the test of history.

As the famous writer Lu Yao said: "The people are our mothers, and life is the source of art." The tree of people's life is eternal, and we can't help but sing about it when we perch on its branches. "Writers and artists in our province all have the same feeling, and literary and art workers in the new era should consciously absorb themes, plots, languages, poetry and paintings in the people's vivid life, write for the people, lyrically for the people, and lyrically for the people, dedicate the best spiritual food to the people, and let the fanghua of literature and art bloom forever for the people."

Guo Yuhong said that in the future, the Provincial Music Association should closely integrate with the reality of Hebei, adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, base itself on the people's expectations, focus on the center, serve the overall situation, better serve the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the planning and construction of Xiong'an New Area, and the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympics for the three major events, keep the integrity and innovation, take an active role, increase the intensity of high-quality creation, create more and better musical works, and dedicate themselves to the broad masses of the people. Repay the people with the most beautiful songs, infect and inspire people with good songs, carry forward the main melody, condense positive energy, and use the fine works that resonate with the same frequency of the times to open up a new realm of literature and art.

"The people are real, realistic, and simple, and they cannot use fictitious images to make up the people, they cannot ridicule the people with a ridiculous attitude, and they cannot uglittle the people with ugly brushstrokes. Only by going deep among the masses of the people, understanding the people's hard work, and perceiving the people's joys and sorrows can the vast number of literary and art workers gain insight into the essence of life, grasp the pulse of the times, comprehend the people's voices, and make literary and artistic creations have profound strength and eternal charm. The general secretary's affectionate message reflects the importance, love and expectations of the party and the state for the literary and art front and literary and art workers.

Listening to the important speech of the general secretary on the spot, Guo Baoliang, vice chairman of the Provincial Writers Association, professor of Hebei Normal University and literary critic, was full of passion in his heart. "General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that the vast number of literary and art workers will adhere to the people's position and write an endless people's epic." This kind of people-centered creative orientation is precisely the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong's literary and artistic thought in the new era. Guo Baoliang said that the general secretary proposed that "life is the people, the people are life", which captures the foundation of current literary creation. Everyone knows that literary creation should express life, but what is life? Many people's understanding of this issue is vague. For some time now, many people have written about their own lives, but not the lives of the people. Only when one's own life is integrated with the people's life can it be a real life that conforms to the essence of history. "The people's lives are real, realistic, and simple, and we cannot use fictitious images to make up the people, we cannot ridicule the people with a ridiculous attitude, and we cannot uglittle the people with ugly brushstrokes." That is to say, the people's position of literature and art requires that writers must organically unify the "small self" and the "big self" in order to truly write great works worthy of the people and the times.

The magnificent song of the times is the epic of the people

Large Symphony Suite "Hebei Full of Hope"

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that all literary and art workers with pursuit and ability should improve their ability to read life, constantly discover more new phenomena and new characters representing the spirit of the times, create artistic creations that originate from life and are higher than life, and create more attractive, infectious, and touching artistic images with the aesthetic style of combining realism and romanticism, leaving unforgettable art classics for the times. In this regard, Yang Huisu, a writer in our province, has a profound understanding. Hebei literature has a fine tradition of realism, and in this regard, the writers of the older generation have set a good example for us, and Zhu Laozhong, a typical revolutionary peasant hero in Liang Bin's "Red Flag Spectrum", "Zhang Gazi", a small anti-Japanese hero in Xu Guangyao's "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", Yu Lai in Guan Hua's "Little Hero Rain Coming", and An aquatic sister-in-law in Sun Li's "Lotus Pond", have left an impressive image for the history of contemporary Chinese literature. The classic artistic image created by these older generation writers subtly guides Yang Huisu's literary creation path.

Yang Huisu believes that literary creation must truly describe life and reflect life, no matter which artistic technique is used, its foundation is still truth. The colorful and ever-changing nature of modern life requires the author to sort out and analyze it, and to grasp and portray it in the analysis and research. In the current stormy era, a large number of heroic models and advanced models have emerged, and their stories reflect the changes in the development process of this era. As a writer of reportage literature, he should bend down and go among the people, improve his ability to read life, look for story clues and creative materials from real life, constantly discover more new phenomena and new characters representing the spirit of the times, tell the stories of Hebei and China, create more artistic images that attract, infect and impress people, and create more excellent works.

Literature and art must serve the masses of the people. The role of literature and art is not only to make people happy, but more importantly, through the form of literature and art, let people be subtly affected by joys and sorrows, change people's spiritual world, and improve people's ideological quality. This requires that "the vast number of literary and art workers should carry forward the fine tradition of Chinese literature and art in pursuing upward and good, and vividly embody the core socialist values in literary and artistic creation."

"The core of literature and art is people, and literary and artistic works originate from people and also serve people. Literary and art workers should embody the fine tradition of upward goodness and the core socialist values in their literary and artistic creations, so that the people can be more full of spiritual life. Xu Heying, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and winner of the Chinese drama "Second Degree Plum", said that the "model of the times" fully embodies the value standard of "patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness" in the core values of socialism, fully embodies the traditional Chinese virtues, and is an advanced figure with strong advanced, representative, epochal and typical nature. It is the responsibility of literary and art workers to display the image of "models of the times" with literary and artistic works. Xu Heying, who played Li Baoguo's wife Guo Suping in Hebei Zizi's "Li Baoguo", deeply understood the spirit of perseverance and patriotism of "Professor Dashan". She believes that only works that can unite people's hearts and minds have the value of the times, and the literary and artistic spirit called for by the times and advocated by the people is contained in the great social changes of reform and opening up and the great practice of realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. Only in this way can works that unite people's hearts be loved by the masses of the people and have the value of the times. (Hebei Daily reporter Cao Zheng, Xiao Yu, Han Li)

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