
Mainstream literary and artistic masterpieces in 2021: the public aesthetic is in line with the spirit of the times

author:China Jilin Net

【Hot Spot Observation】

In the past 2021, the vast number of literary and art workers and the party are of the same heart and the same direction as the people, insisting on recording the new era, writing the new era, and praising the new era, creating a large number of outstanding literary and artistic works that are popular among the population, and shaping a large number of classic artistic images. Looking back on 2021, which literary and artistic masterpieces have brought you moving and strength, which artistic images have made you remember, which programs or works have made you think, which sounds or pictures have made you shine, maybe everyone will give different answers, but there are always some masterpieces that will attract you, infect you, impress you, and affect you imperceptibly.

Literary and artistic masterpieces gather people's hearts, warm people's hearts, and strengthen confidence

In 2021, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still raging around the world, and the vast number of literary and art workers have continuously launched relevant theme creations, which have played a role in gathering people's hearts, warming people's hearts and strengthening confidence. Following the popularity and widespread attention of the 2020 anti-epidemic theme era report drama "Together", the "Chinese Doctor" released in the summer of 2021 and the hit "Embracing You Through the Cold Winter" at the end of 2021 respectively focused on the "Chinese doctors" group and ordinary little people on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, showing the great anti-epidemic spirit with delicate narrative techniques and warm stories, soothing the audience under the haze of the epidemic, and inspiring the determination of the whole people to fight the epidemic and defeat the epidemic. Countless viewers saw the fearless retrograde of ordinary heroes and burst into tears, countless young people spontaneously shouted "China refuel" after the end of the film, countless small loves converged into big love, and countless forces twisted on a rope.

In 2021, the mainland will win the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, and achieve the first centenary goal. The communist party of China has united and led the Chinese people to unremittingly improve themselves and struggle tenaciously, and has historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, which is of landmark significance in the history of the struggle of the Communist Party of China, the history of the development of new China, and the history of Chinese national civilization. This year, literary and artistic works on the theme of poverty alleviation continued to bloom, especially the popularity of "Mountains and Seas", which greatly inspired the creation of literary and artistic works with the main theme. Based on the creation of realism, the drama focuses on xihaigu in Ningxia, which is flying sand and stones, and uses vivid and vivid stories and character images to present the poverty alleviation story of the people of Xihaigu, with the help of fujian counterpart support cadres, through hard work and unremitting exploration. To win the battle against poverty, it is impossible to rely on individual or unilateral efforts alone, and only by condensing multiple forces, pooling collective wisdom, and persevering to overcome difficulties can we achieve the goal. "Mountains and Seas" abandons the routine narrative mode, and uses documentary techniques to outline a vivid and vivid group portrait of the poverty alleviation characters, attracting, infecting and moving people, making the audience cry and laugh for it, full of pride for the success of the great cause, and full of confidence in starting a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country and marching towards the second centenary goal.

In 2021, we solemnly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry out in-depth study and education on party history, and comprehensively summarize the major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle. This year, the large number, density and high quality of works on the theme of party history have become a significant feature, and a number of works with new ideas, creativity and profound meaning have emerged, constituting a prosperous landscape for the expression of images of party history themes on the mainland. The broad masses of the people have learned party history and attended party classes in rich literary and artistic middle schools, and have known history and loved the party and the country. The blockbuster TV series "The Age of Awakening" not only captured the hearts of young audiences, but also set a new benchmark for the creation of major revolutionary historical TV series. It looks back at the original intention from the depths of history, presents the magnificent historical picture from the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement to the founding of the Communist Party of China in a panoramic manner, and objectively presents the grand theme of the Communist Party of China and socialism as the inevitable choice of China's history and Chinese people. The real historical restoration, the delicate film texture and the spiritual height full of the atmosphere of the times bring a spiritual baptism to the audience. There is also the box office record-setting film "Changjin Lake" that led the audience into the historical scene of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea; the large-scale episodic epic "The Great Journey" showed the magnificent century-old party history through magnificent literary and artistic performances; and the historical exhibition of the Communist Party of China, which "never forgot the original intention and kept firmly in mind the mission," concentrated on the future road opened up by our party in uniting and leading the people in the course of a hundred years of struggle, the great deeds established, the great spirit forged, and the valuable experience accumulated. These fine works of literature and art and literary and artistic activities guide the broad masses of party members, cadres, and the masses to study the party's history in depth and profoundly understand why the Communist Party of China can do it, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good.

Literary and artistic masterpieces inspire people to discover beauty, understand beauty, and advocate beauty

Literature and art is the clarion call of the times, an important window to show the beauty of Chinese history, the beauty of mountains and rivers, and the beauty of culture, and it is an important basis for the promotion of literature and culture, the cultivation of culture, the establishment of the heart with literature, and the casting of the soul with literature.

For a time, there was a period of bad tendencies such as star chasing and star-stirring, pan-entertainment, deformed values such as traffic first, money worship, and various "rice circles" chaos such as "water army" and "black powder" that seriously deflected the public aesthetic, especially on the young generation. Relevant departments have actively responded to public concerns and adopted the Notice on Carrying Out Comprehensive Management work in the Field of Culture and Entertainment, the Notice on Further Strengthening the Control of Chaos in the "Rice Circle", the "Self-Cultivation, Integrity, And Determination, and The Soul -- A Proposal to the Vast Number of Literary and Art Workers", "Qinglang ·" A series of "combination fists" such as the special action of "chaos rectification" in the rice circle, the special action of "Clear Andring to combat traffic fraud, black public relations, and network water army", and the "avoidance of signature disputes such as actor competition for rankings" have effectively dealt a blow to the chaos in the industry. At the same time, the emergence of a number of literary and artistic masterpieces has played a positive role in guiding the public's aesthetics and pulling aesthetic tastes back to the right track.

Flow and works, traffic and quality, art and morality, which is lighter and which is more beautiful? Some traffic artists who are blinded by fame and fortune, and some fans who are blinded by fake data and glossy skin bags may not know the correct answer in their hearts. Why is "The Age of Awakening" without traffic stars on fire? Because the quality of the work is excellent, the acting skills of all the staff are online. In recent years, some young actors have successively contributed a number of literary and artistic works, why have they been widely recognized? It is by virtue of the eye-catching performance of their dedication in the work, the professional standard of shaping the characters and the professional attitude that takes each work seriously. There are also some literary and art workers who seem to have low traffic, relying on what is praised as "so-and-so production, will produce fine products", in addition to artistic strength, more importantly, their virtue and art are both xinxin. High-quality works, high-quality roles, and high-quality idols all prove that literary and art workers must first be people, and those who cultivate morality must first establish themselves, and those who cast the soul of Bacon must first cast themselves; creation must rely on painstaking efforts, performance must rely on strength, image must rely on shaping, efficiency depends on quality, reputation depends on virtue; beauty depends on quality rather than flow, and beauty and heavy art are more important to virtue.

What kind of stars should young people in the new era chase? The TV series "Meritorious Service", which aired in the second half of 2021, gave the answer. The drama is based on the true stories of the first eight recipients of the "Order of the Republic", and with the artistic technique of "national narrative and expression of the times", in the form of a unit drama, the colorful chapters of the life of the first eight meritorious figures are connected with the fate of the Republic, interpreting their "loyal, persistent, simple" life character and the lofty realm of dedication to the people of the motherland. The majority of netizens were not only touched by the wonderful deeds in the play, but also applauded the elaborate production of the main creative team. What is beauty? What kind of people can be role models? "Meritorious Service" tells us that those who are unswerving and indomitable to the cause of the party and the people, those who have been working hard for decades and dedicate themselves to the country and the people, those who work selflessly and selflessly in ordinary posts, regardless of personal gains and losses, and who give up their small families to take care of everyone, the clear character of loyalty, persistence, and simplicity displayed by them is beauty, and they are the stars that young people in the new era should chase the most.

In 2021, the vast number of literary and art workers have paid, dedicated, and harvested. Literary works such as "Comedy" show Chinese stories in daily landscapes; stage art works such as "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and large-scale cultural programs "China in Classics" show the beauty of China's excellent traditional culture; large-scale party flag sculptures such as "Banner", as well as theme sculptures such as "Faith", "Great Cause", "Tackling Tough Problems" and "Chasing Dreams" tell the struggle of the COMMUNIST Party of China to seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation over the past hundred years. In 2021, there are many fine works in the fields of literature, drama, film and television, music, dance and so on, and everyone has their own "best" in their hearts. With the opening of 2022, new excellent works will be released one after another, continuing to bring strength and emotion to the majority of audiences and readers, which is worth looking forward to.

(Author: Bao Jianqiang, Lecturer, School of Literature and Journalism and Communication, South Central University for Nationalities; Gong Jushan, Professor, School of Literature and Journalism and Communication, South Central University for Nationalities)

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