
Intel registers nuc 12 series mini hosts

IT House December 16 news, according to momomo_us news, Intel has now registered a new NUC 12 series host in the Eurasian Economic Commission, including the NUC 12 Pro series and nuc 12 Extreme series.

Intel registers nuc 12 series mini hosts

IT Home learned that Intel's NUC 11 Pro Cheetah Canyon is equipped with an 11th-generation Core mobile processor, equipped with a variety of interfaces such as Raiden 4, suitable for audio-visual entertainment and office scenes.

Intel registers nuc 12 series mini hosts

Intel's latest NUC 11 Extreme is Beast Canyon, powered by an 11th Gen Core 65W B-series processor that supports full-size graphics for scenes such as game or video rendering clips.

Intel registers nuc 12 series mini hosts

Intel is expected to release a new generation of NUC mini-hosts at NEXT MONTH's CES 2022, equipped with the upcoming 12th generation Core standard or low-voltage processors, please pay attention to the relevant reports of IT House.

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