
The legend of the Xiangxi zombie and the mystery of the mysterious Xiangxi corpse

author:Historical fish

The word "zombie" comes from the Taoist work "Da Qianlu", which means that the limbs are stiff, the head is not low, the eyes are not oblique, the legs are not divided, and the corpse is not decomposed. Many countries in the world have legends about zombies, and the most famous one in China is the Xiangxi zombie...

The legend of the Xiangxi zombie and the mystery of the mysterious Xiangxi corpse

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Let's start with a story.

The Qing Dynasty's wild history "ShuYi Ji" once recorded such a story, in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, there was a small village of more than 200 families in the west of Shonan Province, and some people around the village surrounded the mountains to make a living by hunting, and the other part of the people lived in agriculture for a living, most of them lived a peaceful and contented life, there was a young man named Chengsan, who was lazy and lazy on weekdays, and he especially liked to flirt with women. Stealing things from the village, the whole village hates him to the bone. Hungry for three days, he wanted to dig up some wild vegetables and bamboo shoots to fill his hunger, but he did not expect to dig and dig up a corpse, and the corpse's face and body were no longer human. Although Cheng San was hungry, he saw such a terrible scene and couldn't help but pull out his leg and run, but he thought that there might be something valuable on the ancient corpse, so he went back to check it out. As a result, there was nothing on the body except a piece of yellow paper. The body smelled of putrefaction, making him feel nauseous and feel that something was wrong with his whole body. So he quickly buried the body and ran elsewhere to find something. Only since then, Cheng San has been emaciated day by day, his teeth have gradually darkened, and his whole body is weak and groggy, as if he has been poisoned.

A few days later, he stumbled to the village and asked someone to see him a doctor, and the people in the village hated him so much that no one wanted to find a doctor for him. An old man thought he was pitiful, so he took him back and cooked some food and herbs for him. Cheng San gradually got better. But the infuriating thing is that the dog can't change eating, just a little bit he actually flirted with the old man's daughter. At this point, the villagers were even more angry, beat him half to death, and let him fend for himself. Within a few days, Cheng San lost his breath at the head of the village. Everyone was busy working during the day and planned to bury his body at night. Unexpectedly, at night, Cheng San's body actually disappeared. No one had touched the body, so how could it have disappeared? The people of the village began to feel frightened, because 80 years ago, there was a corpse transformation in the village. At that time, a bully was killed, did not come out of evil spirits, turned into a zombie, harmed people everywhere, and was later injured by a Taoist priest and fled. Could it be that Cheng San also underwent a corpse transformation? Just in case, the villagers decided to quickly find Cheng San and burn his body, but everyone found the shadow of Cheng San in the middle of the night, and when they were planning to go home to rest, they suddenly heard a scream from Old Man Zhang's house, and everyone rushed to Old Man Zhang's house, only to see old Man Zhang's body hanging on the beam of the hall, and there were many bits on his body, and Old Man Zhang's daughter-in-law and grandson were bitten to blood, and everyone saw this nearby scene, they were frightened and weak, and they didn't know what to do? At this time, there was another scream not far away, and following the scream, everyone finally met Cheng San. Everyone was frightened by his appearance, his eyes were like blood-red glass balls, his teeth were sharp, and there was blood dripping from his mouth. Some people fled into the wilderness, others fought hard and died one after another. In this way, more than half of the people in the village died, and the people who hid, because they smelled the smell of corpses, gradually became poisoned by corpses and became living dead. A few days later, the corpses in the village climbed up one after another, looking like Chengsan, and the whole village became a zombie village.

The legend of the Xiangxi zombie and the mystery of the mysterious Xiangxi corpse

Zombies have always been a mysterious topic, and there is not much information left now, but it is generally believed that zombies are formed after the body has been deformed, has no thinking power, no self-control, and will only kill and drink blood of the living dead, their bodies are stiff, the collection of heaven and earth resentment is obscure, immortal, wandering, floating between heaven and earth. The zombie theory prevailed in the middle and late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, and zombies were mentioned many times in the Qing Dynasty Yuan Ming's "Zi Bu Shu" and Ji Xiaolan's "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang". The era when zombies appeared the most should be the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, so we often see zombies in horror movies, mostly wearing Qing Dynasty clothes.

Legend has it that zombies can be roughly divided into three types: one is the walking dead, that is, the unconscious body, they are the lowest zombies, relying on physical instincts to act; one is a conscious zombie, they have the same wisdom as people, can judge their own behavior, more terrible, such as a thousand years of zombies; and another is a marmot, this kind of zombie is the most terrible, generally only appear in the magic novel. Why do zombies suck blood? Some people say that blood is the food of zombies, zombies suck blood as if we eat, others say that zombies have resentment, blood sucking is to vent resentment, and some people think that blood sucking is a job that zombies must do every day, just like we have to go to work every day.

Xiangxi corpse exorcism, also known as moving the spirit, is known as a "mystic technique" in the folk, originating from the four counties of Yuan (yuán) Ling, Luxi, Chenxi, and Pupu (xù pǔ) in ancient Chenzhou. It refers to the fact that before the body is decomposed, the body snatchers rush back to the hometown for burial.

Exorcism is a folk custom of the Miao people in western Hunan and belongs to the witch culture. There are many theories about the mystery of the exorcism of corpses in Western Hunan Province. However, "Xiangxi exorcism" has never been scientifically verified, nor has it been personally confirmed, so it is unknown whether "Xiangxi exorcism" really exists, but it has been recorded in some books, so it has aroused people's hot discussion.

In the eyes of many people, Xiangxi corpse hunting is a very mysterious thing, the body exorcism is often in groups of three or five, generally before dawn, the body is driven to a fixed small shop, the body on the way to the mysterious "dead body guest shop", only live in the dead body and the exorcist, the average person is not live. Its doors are open all year round. Because behind the two gate panels, there is a resting place for the corpse. The exorcist chased the corpse, arrived at the "dead body shop" before dawn, and quietly left at night. The bodies all stood neatly against the wall behind the door panels. In the event of heavy rain, it is difficult to walk, so I stop in the store for a few days and nights.

These corpses are generally draped in a wide black corpse cloth, wearing a high felt hat, and a few yellow pieces of paper with painted symbols on their foreheads, and the exorcist walks in front with a copper gong and a dementor bell, he beats a small gong while shaking the dementor bell in his hand, one to let passers-by avoid, the other is to let the family with a dog quickly lock up the dog, if multiple corpses are driven away at the same time, then the exorcist will string the corpses together one by one with a straw rope, and each corpse is about seven or eight feet apart.

About the way Xiangxi drove the corpse. One way of saying it is the back-to-body theory. Usually the master takes the apprentice, two or three people take turns to carry the corpse back to their hometown, because they are covered with black cannons, and walking at night, passing pedestrians can only look at the distance, and they can't see clearly at night, thinking that the corpse is walking on its own.

Another theory is that two exorcists go one after the other, with two long bamboo through the armpits of a row of corpses, and fix their hands on bamboo poles to prevent slipping, the ends are carried like palanquins, because the exorcist is dressed in black at night, passers-by can not see the exorcist, plus the long bamboo is elastic, when the exorcist carries the corpse, the body will swing up and down, at night it looks like a group of people, extending their hands, jumping forward on their knees.

Xiangxi also has the saying of "three rushes" and "three no rushes" to drive away corpses.

Those who have been beheaded (whose heads must be stitched together), those who have been hanged, and those who have been killed in cages can be driven away. Legend has it that because they were all forced to die, they died unconvincingly, missing both their hometown and their loved ones. Spells can be used to draw their souls, cast spells on their corpses, and then use spells to drive them back to their hometowns.

Those who are sick and die, those who are thrown into the river and hang themselves voluntarily, and those who are not complete in their limbs by thunder and fire cannot be rushed. These three kinds of death either died of unknown causes, or died voluntarily, or their sins were deeply condemned by heaven, and the exorcists were afraid of being unfavorable to themselves, so they did not rush.

The legend of the Xiangxi zombie and the mystery of the mysterious Xiangxi corpse

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It is said that Xiangxi to drive out the corpse, in fact, the earliest is a means used by drug dealers to cover people's ears, zombies are the best drug trafficking tools, drug dealers dressed up as Taoists, day and night, three or five groups of wooden sticks on the shoulders of the front and back of the two people, so it looks like corpses are walking, and gongs, bells, etc. are all made of appearances, through this method, the average person feels obscure, so they dare not get close, officers and soldiers will not check. Drugs such as opium are also safer to put on corpses.

The so-called exorcism is actually carrying or carrying corpses, and those so-called spells do not exist, or some people deliberately mystify it in order to increase the income of this profession. As a profession, exorcising corpses appeared in that era of poverty and backwardness in order to survive, and with the development and progress of society, the profession of "exorcists" gradually faded out of the historical stage.

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