
It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

The Chinese nation has a history of five thousand years, of which the feudal era has experienced more than two thousand years, during which countless powerful dynasties were born, and there are many short-lived dynasties, if on the surface, the longer a dynasty exists, the stronger it is, then the Han Dynasty must be on the list.

It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

The Han Dynasty lasted for more than 400 years, and there were many prosperous times in the middle, such as the "Reign of Wenjing", "The Prosperous Era of Han Wu", "Guangwu Zhongxing" and other periods, and then there was the 320-year history of the Song Dynasty, although it was once suppressed in the military aspect, but in the economy and the life of the people, it can be said that it reached a very high level. There is also the 290-year history of the Tang Dynasty, and there have also been many prosperous times such as "the rule of Zhenguan" and "The Prosperous Era of Kaiyuan".

It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

Many people think that it is precisely with these powerful countries that our nation has such a deep foundation, in fact, from this point of view, there is really nothing wrong with it, but in fact, what really laid the history of China is not only these dynasties that exist for hundreds of years, but those dynasties that exist for only a few decades or even more than ten years.

It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

First of all, the first is the Qin Dynasty, which existed for only 15 years, as a dynasty that opened the feudal era, although the Qin Dynasty only existed for more than ten years, it played a very key role in promoting Chinese history, Qin Shi Huang not only realized the unification of the country, but also unified a series of things such as writing, weights and measures, and the bureaucracy set up by Qin Shi Huang, and even later generations were modified on its basis.

It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

Then there is the Sui Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty also ended the situation of division, realized the unification of the country, but the Sui Dynasty also existed only 38 years before the demise, the Sui Dynasty at the beginning of its establishment, vigorously reformed, abolished a lot of backward systems, actively carried out innovation, but also invented the imperial examination system that affected future generations, after which the Tang Dynasty almost followed the Sui Dynasty's system, it can be said that the Sui Dynasty had a great influence on future generations.

It turns out that the history of China is determined by short-lived dynasties, and these three dynasties reveal this

The third is Later Zhou, although Later Zhou Shizong made many economic and military reforms after he came to power, but unfortunately, after Sejong's death, Zhao Kuangyin gained control of the country through the Chen Qiao Mutiny, and then established the Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty almost followed the system of Later Zhou. It can be seen that these short-lived dynasties have actively carried out innovative changes, but unfortunately, the road is more difficult, resulting in their own early decline, and their subsequent dynasties have learned the lessons of the previous dynasties and perfected them, so that they can exist for a longer time.

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