
What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

In "The Style of Daming", Zhu Zhanji said that his grandfather Zhu Di hired Taixi people with heavy money to teach Daming soldiers to light fires, and even called Gordon. It is true that there were always foreign mercenaries in the Ming Army, and in fact there were a large number of foreign mercenaries in Zhu Di's army, even a large number of Mongolian mercenaries. But at this stage, it is obviously a joke for the Taixi people to teach the Ming army to fight the fire.

What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

And the name Gordon is easily reminiscent of the "Gordon Yankees" of the late Qing Dynasty. It was the Qing court that paid a lot of money to suppress the Taiping Army, and as a result, Li Hongzhang spent 190,000 taels of silver to dismiss him, so it was particularly easy to cause misunderstanding.

The world's first fire reinforcement unit, the "Shenji Battalion", one of the well-known "Three Battalions of the Beijing Division" of daming, was established in the 8th year of Yongle (1410).

At that time, although there were musketeers in Europe, there was no formed musket force.

What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

In 1415, at the Battle of Alcugin in Europe, King Henry V of England inflicted heavy damage on the French heavy cavalry with his longbow troops, and won a great victory.

A year ago, that is, in 1414, Zhu Di created a firearm head formation with "the divine machine is in front, and the horse team is behind" in conjunction with the infantry and cavalry to fight jointly, and severely damaged the Wallachian and won a great victory.

In fact, even before the establishment of the Divine Machine Battalion, firearms had been maturely used in the Ming Army.

What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

During the Zhu Yuanzhang period, Deng Yu and Mu Ying were both masters of using firearms. In the defense of Hongdu, Zhu Wenzheng used tens of thousands of people to resist Chen Youyi's 600,000 troops for more than 80 days, relying on the fortification of the walls of Hongdu City? His deputy was Deng Yu, and his troops were equipped with a large number of fire bolts.

Mu Yingzhen defended Yunnan, faced with the Tusi riots, and faced with the war elephants of the other side, he relied more on firearms than other Ming troops. Mu Ying even invented the "Three Elements of Fire War Method". It was not until more than 100 years later that King Frederick II of Prussia had a similar invention.

Zhu Yuanzhang attached great importance to firearms when he was in charge, and paid more attention to the training of soldiers who could operate fire bolts.

What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

In Zhu Yuanzhang's military system, 100 military households must have 10 wrenches. This also means that during the Zhu Yuanzhang period, every 10 soldiers in the Ming Army had 1 fire soldier. Otherwise, how could Zhu Di's firearms battalion, which amounted to tens of thousands of people, be established overnight?

In fact, during the Yuan Dynasty, there was no isolation from the West, so there was no one whose weapons were more advanced, and there was an exchange of technology with each other. Therefore, in the early Ming Dynasty, firearms were used on such a large scale in the Ming army, and it is forgivable to say that there were foreigners teaching Daming soldiers to fight fire bolts during that period.

The Zhu Di period coincided with the period when China was ahead of the world in the application of fire bolts to war. Therefore, it was not until the Jiajing period, when the Western arquebus gun (bird gun) appeared, that Daming needed to ask foreign teachers to teach Daming soldiers how to fight bird guns.

Indeed, according to the "Ming Dynasty Code", during the Jiajing period, the Portuguese and Spanish arquebusiers (bird guns) had surpassed the original fire bolts of the Ming Dynasty. In the 37th year of Jiajing (1558), the Daming Army Bureau successfully copied 10,000 bird reams and handed them over to the troops for use. At this stage, it is really possible to spend a lot of money to hire foreigners to teach. But this is more than 100 years since the time of Zhu Di.

What do you think of the foreigners in the TV series "Daming Fenghua" who helped the Ming Dynasty establish the Fire Brigade?

The elite of the "Three Battalions of the Beijing Division" (Five Battalions, Three Thousand Battalions and Shenji Battalion) created by Zhu Di was abandoned by Zhu Qizhen in the 14th year of Orthodoxy (1449) at Tumu Fort. Although it was later rebuilt, it has long lost its original combat effectiveness.

In the words of the People's Network, since historical dramas all have a heart to be a serious drama, they must ponder the historical details.

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