
The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

Generally speaking of the contingent led by the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, we can generally only think of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army; in fact, in the land of China at that time, there were four contingents led by the Communist Party, and the other two units were the Qiongya Column led by Feng Baiju, and the Dongjiang Column led by Zeng Sheng, which was called the Dongjiang Column of the Guangdong People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force by the whole people.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

If the Qiongya Column was a Red Army that insisted on resisting on Hainan Island, then the Dongjiang Column was after the outbreak of the War of Resistance, because the Invading Japanese Army landed in Guangzhou, when the Kuomintang army collapsed at a touch, so the heavy responsibility of resistance all fell to the guerrillas behind the enemy.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

The development of the Dongjiang Column was extremely difficult, because it was deeply trapped in the place where the Japanese army was heavily armed, so it suffered heavy losses in each battle, and because after the fall of Hong Kong at that time, the British troops stationed in Hong Kong were defeated and surrendered, so the Dongjiang Column also specially dispatched a Hong Kong-Kowloon guerrilla group, and the Japanese army carried out enslavement education in the occupied areas, requiring local children and young people to start learning from Japanese.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

One day several members of the Hong Kong-Kowloon guerrilla group came to a family, found a 13-year-old child Chen Minxue, and hoped that he would join the guerrilla group and contribute to the anti-Japanese resistance, and the reason why he found this child was not because of anything else, but because the place where the child worked happened to be in the Japanese military police command, but don't be in a hurry to scold the traitors, in fact, although Chen Minxue worked in the Japanese military police command, he was still a Chinese in his bones.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

He also helped many guerrillas to evade the Japanese army, so the guerrillas found him, the reason why Chen Minxue was able to blend into the Japanese military police, mainly because he spoke Japanese fluently, the Japanese army implemented enslavement education in the occupied areas, Chen Minxue because learning Japanese is relatively fast, so he was favored by the Japanese military command and stayed in the gendarmerie as an interpreter.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

With the help of the cover of identity, Chen Minxue stayed in the Japanese military police, but also because of his relatively young age, the Japanese military police did not attract attention at all, so he brought out a lot of intelligence, including the deployment of each operation of the Japanese army, the name of the commander, weapons and equipment, etc. Sometimes after some guerrilla members were arrested, Chen Minxue tried to pass on the news and notify the guerrillas to rescue, this work continued for more than a year, and he was stunned that the enemy did not notice.

The 13-year-old, who spoke Japanese well, was forcibly recruited by the Japanese army as an interpreter and secretly relayed the news to the guerrillas

The Japanese army later also suspected that Chen Minxue leaked the news, deliberately arrested him to prison for interrogation, although Chen Minxue was threatened by the Japanese army, but always gritted his teeth and did not admit it, until the end of the War of Resistance, Chen Minxue's identity was not revealed, and later followed the Dongjiang column to Shenzhen, and was responsible for the management of the captured Japanese army in the Enemy Works Department, as a 13-year-old child, but he could have such courage, and his behavior could not help but make us admire.

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