
Foreign media said that "19 Lithuanian diplomats and their families in China left Beijing," and the cube also played a trick

Source: Global Times

The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 15th that it has recalled the country's chargé d'affaires in China to return to China to report for duty, and the work of the embassy in China is temporarily "remote operation". Reuters quoted sources as saying that 19 Lithuanian embassy personnel and their families had left Beijing for Paris on the grounds of so-called "security concerns." The former Lithuanian Embassy in Beijing appeared empty on the 15th. No one responded to knocking on the door or making a phone call.

On November 18, Lithuania allowed the establishment of a so-called "Taiwan representative office" in defiance of Chinese protests. On the 21st, the Chinese side announced that it would downgrade the diplomatic relations between the neutral two countries to the chargé d'affaires level. On the 26th, China changed the name of its diplomatic office in Lithuania to an agency. Taiwan's "Central News Agency" quoted "Sources in Lithuania's diplomatic circles" as saying that Beijing has repeatedly pressed Lithuania to formally change the embassy into an "agency" in recent times, and has preemptively prevented embassy personnel from enjoying relevant courtesies. The British "Financial Times" quoted "informed sources" as saying on the 15th that the Chinese government asked Lithuanian personnel in China to hand over the diplomatic identification card to the Chinese Foreign Ministry to formally demote their status. "Vilnius is concerned that the relevant personnel will lose diplomatic immunity, and if they continue to stay in China, their personal safety will be worrying."

A number of media believed on the 15th that this meant that the neutrality relationship had further deteriorated. Lithuania hypes imaginary "security concerns" in an attempt to attract the attention of the European Union to pressure China. The Financial Times said that when asked whether the question is worthy of a response from the European Union, the European Commission spokesman said on the 15th that the return of Lithuanian diplomats and their relatives is the sovereign decision of the Lithuanian authorities, and they themselves decide what is most beneficial to their mission and staff.

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