
Apple indefinitely postponed plans for employees to return to the office

DoNews, December 16 (Liu Wenxuan) From the end of 2019 to 2021, the global new crown virus (COVID-19) epidemic has made many companies adopt a work-from-home model, apple is one of them, although CEO Cook had planned to let employees return to the office in February 2022, but as the epidemic heated up, Apple had to postpone the return to the office again.

Apple indefinitely postponed plans for employees to return to the office

In his memo, Cook said the timing of the return of employees to the office was "not yet determined" and said $1,000 was issued to each employee to purchase equipment needed to work from home.

Cook wants employees to return to the office, and as early as the pandemic, Cook said that employees would eventually return to the office. Before the news of the delayed return to the office, Apple had set the time for employees to return to the office on February 1. Apple also plans to give employees up to 1 month per year to work from home, so that employees can have more time to travel or spend time with their families.

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