
In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

Since the abdication of the last emperor Puyi, the feudal dynasty has ended. From the ruler of the first feudal dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, to the last ruler, Xuantong Emperor, there have been 408 emperors for more than two thousand years. Of the 408 emperors, only Wu Zetian was the only female emperor.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

However, after the end of the feudal society under the rule of the emperor, in the eighties of the last century, a "female emperor" suddenly appeared, her name was Chao Zhengkun. This woman from Shandong not only imitated Wu Zetian's "title of emperor", but also established a harem to recruit handsome men, which can be described as a look. Let's take a look at her experience.

Born ahead of one's time

Chao Zhengkun was born into a poor family in Shandong, and she is a shandong Anqiu person. Chao Zhengkun's parents, who are still in feudal thought, still have the idea that "a woman without talent is moral", so they think that Chao Zhengkun is the best at home.

But Chao Zhengkun's thinking has been different since she was a child, she believes that reading can get ahead, so she repeatedly insists on going to school, and finally her parents have to agree. In the academy, Chao Zhengkun finally gained insight and just caught up with the good opportunity of reform and opening up.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

During the reform and opening up period, many movements broke out, and in order to improve the status of women in society, Chao Zhengkun also actively participated. Even in response to the call, she even changed her name to prove to her parents that she was not fooling around.

Although Chao Zhengkun liked to read and write, it was a pity that in that turbulent era, Chao Zhengkun's family could not support himself. Later, Chao Zhengkun followed a barefoot doctor to practice medicine everywhere, the so-called blue is better than blue, Chao Zhengkun learned quickly, and already has the ability to rely on his skills to eat.

From barefoot doctor to "witch"

Chao Zhengkun was not willing to accept this, she felt that her life could not be just resigned, in the face of fate, she refused to bow her head. Although she is a woman, her ambitions are greater than ordinary people. So Chao Zhengkun gave up his stable days and began to run around, looking for an opportunity to break through his fate.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

From ancient times to the present, many people will embark on the road of deception if they do not want to be down-to-earth in order to make a living. When Chao Zhengkun was running around, he saw a jianghu person on the street, saying that there was a elixir that cured all diseases and prolonged his life.

At that time, many people did not have much culture, and everyone heard the jianghu people speak with the head of the Tao, which won the trust of many people. But Chao Zhengkun is different, she knows what it is, seeing this scene, Chao Zhengkun thinks, since everyone is so superstitious, why not take this opportunity to show their skills?

Listening to the wind is rain, Chao Zhengkun quickly changed from a barefoot doctor to a "witch". Someone found Chao Zhengkun, which is just a small problem in itself, but people who don't understand it naturally don't know, so Chao Zhengkun said that this is a violation of the gods, and it is necessary to drink some holy water to get better.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

Fortunately, Chao Zhengkun still has some conscience, gave others incense ash, and also knows the right medicine. Only on this basis, Chao Zhengkun opened some more "holy water" that threatened his life. The man not only recovered from his illness, but also witnessed Chao Zhengkun's strength. Over time, Chao Zhengkun's reputation spread in the village, and many people were willing to go to her to open some incense ashes.

Emulate Wu Zetian's "title of emperor"

The stronger people's desires, the greater their ambitions. The same is true of Chao Zhengkun. From a barefoot doctor to a "witch", she felt that this was far from satisfying, and she remembered Wu Zetian, whom she had admired since childhood, and when she was a child, she saw Wu Zetian's journey of "becoming emperor", which she particularly admired.

Since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the feudal imperial system has been abolished, but there are always some people who have to go against the wind. Chao Zhengkun began to follow Wu Zetian's desire to "claim the title of emperor". Chao Zhengkun knew that if he wanted to "call himself emperor", he naturally couldn't be too ostentatious, and this was not a joke.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

Then a remote place is the best choice for Chao Zhengkun. Therefore, Chao Zhengkun, with his reputation in the village, has the support of the villagers. In 1986, Chao Zhengkun officially followed Wu Zetian's "title of emperor", and also established his own national name: "Great Saint Dynasty".

Chao Zhengkun also set up his "royal palace" in an inconspicuous place, and the "royal palace" was built, how could the harem be vacant? Chao Zhengkun began to draft handsome men again. Some villagers who trust her very much happily send their sons to Chao Zhengkun's side, hoping that they can live a better life, where they know that this is actually a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

In order to expand his "royal palace", Chao Zhengkun sent sixty "ministers" everywhere to publicize it, and as a result, one of them was accidental, and happened to be bumped into by people from outside the village, and Chao Zhengkun's "claim to the emperor" was discovered.

In 1987, a Shandong woman followed the example of Wu Zetian to "claim the title of emperor" and built a harem to recruit handsome men

Seeing the absurd things chao zhengkun had done, someone quickly informed the local troops, and they dispatched personnel to the place where Chao Zhengkun "claimed the emperor" and destroyed it in one fell swoop. And Chao Zhengkun and others are not allowed to die well.

This Shandong woman followed wu Zetian's example of "claiming the title of emperor" and building a harem to recruit handsome men, which was really laughable and generous, and Chao Zhengkun could not end well, and it also belonged to the consequences of her own self-inflicted guilt.

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