
Talk about the reasons why women have difficulty getting pregnant

Talk about the reasons why women have difficulty getting pregnant

The most common causes of difficulty conceiving are women and men, sometimes both sides have problems, and sometimes various tests are done or the cause cannot be found. Today we talk about the most common causes of difficulty getting pregnant in women: age, polycystic ovary syndrome, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, miscarriage.

(1) Age

Age is the most important factor influencing the ability to conceive, and studies have shown that women's fertility declines slightly at age 30 and decreases significantly around age 40. As we age, egg cell quality decreases, the probability of miscarriage increases, and the probability of conceiving a fetus with trisomy 21 increases. Therefore, people who want to postpone childbearing can consider freezing eggs in case of emergency.

While age is an important factor, for older women, IVF techniques can help increase the chances of getting pregnant.

(2) Polycystic ovary syndrome

POLYCYS OVOSIS is an endocrine disorder that affects up to 20% of women. In developed countries, 1 in 5 women of childbearing age develop PCOS, and the incidence in our country is increasing year by year.

Talk about the reasons why women have difficulty getting pregnant

PCOS is manifested by symptoms such as having higher levels of insulin and androgens, hair, acne, weight gain, irregular or amenorrhea, many follicles in the ovaries, and inability to ovulate maturely.

(3) Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes

Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes prevent sperm from meeting egg cells. Causes may be obstruction during childbirth, accidental damage caused by surgery, infection, tubal ligation surgery. At this time, the best way to get pregnant is to choose IVF to help conceive. Young women with good ovarian function can also see if they can be unblocked by laparoscopic surgery.

(4) Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common condition, and 10 out of 100 women from menarche to menopause have difficulty getting pregnant in 3 of them.

Not all women diagnosed with endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant, and some women with endometriosis can still conceive naturally and have children successfully, without any problems at all. The vast majority of women with endometriosis who have difficulty conceiving can be treated to become pregnant. Depending on the severity of the condition, simple medication may be required, laparoscopic surgery may be performed to remove endometriosis lesions, or IVF techniques may be required for fertilization.

In many cases, it is possible to conceive naturally after surgery. However, if there are other pregnancy problems, such as problems with sperm, IVF fertility is preferred.

Talk about the reasons why women have difficulty getting pregnant

(5) Uterine fibroids

Fibroids are benign growths of muscle tissue that forms on the walls of the uterus. Rare under 20 years of age. But over 30 years old, 20 out of 100 women have uterine fibroids, and less than 3 will have difficulty getting pregnant. Depending on the size and location of fibroids, they can cause difficulties in pregnancy to varying degrees.

(6) Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a person whose pregnancy is less than 28 weeks' g and whose fetal weight is less than 1,000 g. Spontaneous abortion occurs in 31% of embryos after implantation, of which 80% are early miscarriages. In early miscarriage, approximately a recessive miscarriage, i.e. a miscarriage that occurs before menstruation, also known as a biochemical pregnancy. Many women experience miscarriage, but in the end the vast majority will have children if there are two or more miscarriages, and there are no successful births between, called recurrent miscarriages. Repeated miscarriages must be analyzed by a doctor and the cause of the problem must be found.

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