
The ZOL Recommendation Award | dell DA310 mobile adapter

As the leading technology portal for the Chinese Internet, the professional editors of Zhongguancun Online (ZOL) in 2021 have carefully selected the best things to recognize the excellent products of the year. Each selection is the industry's top goods, each nomination represents the "treasure" quality, ZOL Recommendation Award, to help you take fewer detours, directly to the high quality of life.

Dell DA310 Mobile Adapter

Dell DA310 uses the classic circular design, continuing the previous generation of DA300 rotary cable telescopic design, this excellent cable storage scheme is Dell's patent, the USB-C cable is hidden inside the docking station, when using the rotating shell can be rotated out of the main line material, when going out to carry the main line into the inside, portable and safe.

It not only has a rich interface, but also support FRS (Fast role swap) fast role conversion function, when unplugged power adapter, DA310 can quickly perform role conversion, the current connection of the display, wired network, external USB devices will not be interrupted, this function is currently on the market other docking stations do not have, continuous connection of the features to protect the security of data and equipment, is a very suitable for business docking station.

Carefully selected, really starting from the quality, Zhongguancun online annual recommendation, 2021 can not miss the purchase reference.


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