
Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

Text: Cradle of Love

Use the simplest words to give you warmth, give you companionship, lead you to grow, and help you be strong.

In the eyes of many men, the pursuit of women is a difficult thing, no matter how hard they try, in the end it is a bamboo basket to hit the water.

In the pursuit of women, many men are discouraged and dare not try again.

When I think that I will be rejected, I have no motivation and no desire to pursue.

Even if you meet a woman you like, you are no longer willing to chase, no longer take the initiative, and remain single.

Especially when you meet a woman who is a little colder, even if you like it, you will not pursue it, and tell yourself directly that it is an impossible thing.

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

But in fact, women are not as difficult to chase as imagined, and they are not invulnerable.

Most women, deep in their hearts longing for a love, are waiting for the arrival of Prince Charming.

Even a woman with a high and cold appearance is also an undercurrent surging inside, and there is also a fiery and crazy love.

It's just that women don't easily get emotional and don't easily confide in them.

Or it is not willing to be touched by you, and once it is willing to be touched by you, it will respond to you enthusiastically and let you see hope and opportunity.

Whether a woman is good or not, whether you can catch up with her, in fact, these three words can be tested out by saying these three words to her.

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

One: Are you available?

A person is not available, never really empty, but does not want to be free for you.

Whether a person is free or not depends on whether the person is important or not, and whether there is weight in the heart.

A man who is not interested in you, who has no good feelings for you, is not available to you at any time or place.

Whenever you look for her, she will tell you: "No time".

From her "no time", you can feel her ruthlessness, her desperation, really don't want to ignore you, don't want to talk to you more.

And a woman who also has a crush on you and is willing to give you a chance, whenever you look for her, she will tell you that you are available.

Even if you really don't have time, I will tell you that I am free and willing to give you time.

No matter what you talk to her, she will respond to you positively and enthusiastically, have a feeling of having a good conversation, and will talk to you non-stop and have a good time.

Even if you ask her out to play, she won't refuse, and every time she happily agrees, telling you that you are free and willing to spend quality time with you.

The simple three words "Are you free" can clearly see the woman's mind and heart, and basically cannot be wrong.

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

Two: To you.

Women in the face of feelings, more clear, will not be ambiguous attitude.

People who don't like it will simply and neatly refuse and withstand all kinds of temptations.

Even in the face of the temptation of money and gifts, he still will not be moved, will not give him a chance.

A woman who has no feelings for you, even if you take the initiative to give her a gift, she will not hesitate to refuse and will not accept any of your gifts.

In the face of your "give it to you", you will refuse without hesitation: "I don't want it", and then you will be polite or simply ignore you, not happy but impatient.

A woman who is interesting to you, in the face of your gifts, will be surprised, will be pleased, and her heart will be both excited and full of joy.

From your gift, she can feel your heart, your like, is exactly what she is looking forward to, and her heart will be happy.

Maybe you will accept it, after all, accepting your gift means accepting your heart.

Maybe you won't take it, because you don't want to break the bank, but your heart will accept it and will interact with you more enthusiastically.

From the woman's reaction, the woman's emotions, the woman's attitude, you can understand her heart for you.

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

Three: Miss me?

Wanting to know what a woman wants, sometimes, can be done by joking.

Jokes, although just a few simple jokes, can see through the other party's intentions and true thoughts.

"Miss me", these three words have extremely great lethality, and women who have a good feeling for you will immediately be shy when they hear these three words, but they will feel very sweet.

Because I also like you in my heart, I will not reject your intentional ridicule and deliberate ambiguity.

It will only reply to you with embarrassment: "hate", and will not really answer you positively.

Between each other, there will be a layer of ambiguous breath, she is not disgusted with you or contradictory.

The one who likes you is willing to be brought closer to each other by you and enhance their relationship.

And a woman who does not have a good feeling for you, in the face of your three words, will be angry, will be angry, and even jump like thunder.

It may directly black you out, it may yell at you: "Shut up", harsh and fierce.

Women are not good or bad, say these three words to her, you can test it

Good love is that you have affection for her intentionally, tacitly like each other.

Love is never a carnival of one person, but two loves.

In the face of a woman who does not like you, do not waste your efforts, no matter how to chase, it is not pursued.

If a woman is interested in you, from her attitude, from her words, you can feel her heart, feel her feelings.

Only the people you like, and at the same time like you, will be a beautiful love, full of happiness and warmth.

Therefore, it is not too late to determine the intention of a good woman and pursue it again.


Author: Love to read, love to write, love to think, dare to love and dare to hate the northern girl. A freelance writer, an emotional mentor who has helped countless people out of psychological difficulties.

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