
Coinbase update browser wallet supports viewing NFT collections

Coinbase, a well-known cryptocurrency exchange, has just launched a feature update to its wallet service to support viewing users' NFT collections in a browser. Starting today, the company introduced "Non-Homogeneous Token" (NFT) concept support to desktop browsers. This group of users will soon be able to see a new tab called "NFT" on the desktop browser, which is associated with the NFT collection corresponding to the wallet address.

Coinbase update browser wallet supports viewing NFT collections

(From: Coinbase official website)

While many mobile wallet apps support viewing NFT collections (including Coinbase, Rainbow, and Argent), browser extensions often lack support for native NFT gallery features. However, Coinbase said that this part of the shortcomings will also be made up in the next few days.

In addition to the new NFT features, Coinbase has been working to better support testnet and alternative networks.

Previously users could switch between multiple networks, but now Coinbase Wallet will also show your token balances on all supported networks, such as Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Optimism, Polygon, and xdai.

Friends who are familiar with email clients will not be unfamiliar with this "unified inbox" style experience.

It is worth mentioning that the Coinbase wallet will also support the Ethereum improvement proposal (EIP-3085). When coinbase wallet officially supports interaction with decentralized EIP-3085 applications, customers will also usher in a better user experience.

EIP-3085 allows distributed application (dApp) developers to advise on network-specific transactions. In other words, it is easier to interact with multiple networks.

One of the main points of using self-hosted wallets is that they are no longer limited by what is available in the app – meaning you can use channels like WalletLink and WalletConnect to connect to third-party dApps.

However, Coinbase also integrates some decentralized exchanges directly into the wallet interface, and is using Uniswap and 0x for such transactions (Coinbase's native DEX function is 1% fee).

Finally, in many ways, the Coinbase wallet app looks a lot like a web3 project. As more crypto asset users interact with more dApps, the company clearly doesn't want to fall behind in this regard either.

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