
How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

In this article, I will talk to you about this topic.

Hitler's response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was first appreciative and, second, the immediate decision to declare war on the United States, only to be delayed by two days in preparation for the Congressional speech. This answer, it is estimated that many people did not expect.

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

At the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler was cleaning up the mess for the defeat at the Battle of Moscow. When he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, he was not surprised. It's all manifested in his actions.

On December 14, when he presented the German Eagle Grand Cross Gold Medal to Ambassador Oshima of Japan, he made it clear that

"You declared war in this way, and you did it right! This approach is the only correct approach. ”

Although the Japanese did not explicitly inform Germany before the attack on Pearl Harbor, they did hint at Germany. On November 29, the United States intercepted a telegram from The Japanese ambassador Oshima to Tokyo, saying that Germany would join Japan if war broke out in Japan and the United States. This shows that Hitler already had enough understanding of the United States to enter the war.

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

The German Navy put constant pressure on Hitler over a long period of time. U.S. provocative actions against the German Navy are becoming increasingly apparent. The United States not only sold supplies to Britain, but also exchanged destroyers for the right to use British naval bases, and constantly increased its escort range. As it constantly intervened in British escort missions, it brought more and more trouble to the German Navy's operations.

Hitler told the Navy to exercise temporary restraint. He was not afraid of going to war with the United States, but was waiting for the right moment. When he thought the Soviet Union was about to be crushed after the start of the Soviet-German war, he thought the time was ripe.

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

At this time, japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was tantamount to taking over the enemy of the United States. Why wouldn't Hitler be happy? So, upon learning of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler immediately gave orders to the Navy to allow the German Navy to launch an attack on the Ships of the United States.

The United States is now in a more awkward situation. The United States suffered a heavy loss at Pearl Harbor, but according to legal reason, it could only declare war on Japan. The main purpose of the United States is to participate in the European war, and it cannot declare war on Germany if germany does not declare war on it. In order to enter the war, it had to wait for Germany to declare war.

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

Although, the United States intercepted and deciphered Japan's diplomatic telegrams, so that it already knew the diplomatic cards of Germany and Japan. However, at this time, it can only wait quietly. Finally, on December 11, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, it waited until Germany declared war on the United States. In hitler's character, he finally declared war on the United States. Hitler arrogantly roared at the members of congress,

"We'll always be the first to go!"

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a bad thing in Hitler's view. He believes that japan can contain the power of the United States. In this way, he was able to let go of the battle in Europe. The Navy cut off U.S. supplies to Britain and the Soviet Union in the Atlantic, and the Army defeated the Soviets, so that Germany could win the war.

How did Hitler react when he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

But America's war potential miscalculated him. The United States placed its primary power on the European theater, and the Pacific Theater became a secondary theater. The influx of troops, weapons and materiel into Europe, especially the strategic bombardment of the U.S. Air Force, completely destroyed Germany's war potential. By this time, some people of insight in Germany had seen that Germany had failed.

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