
The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

In fact, this film is not based on a whim but based on real deeds, we know that the last dynasties are often chaotic, the ruling class is often overthrown mostly in a bleak end, in 1917, russia broke out the October Revolution. The Romanov dynasty, which lasted for more than 300 years, was overthrown.

In the early hours of 17 July 1918, Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra, along with their eldest daughter Princess Origa, second daughter Princess Tagiana, third daughter Princess Maria, youngest daughter Princess Anastaya and only son, Prince Alexei, were secretly executed in the basement of a villa in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

However, because of the greater impact, the news of the Tsar's family was blocked by Yang Lin after the execution, so the news of the life and death of the Tsarist family was also controversial. Tsar Nicholas II reigned for 23 years and owned huge fortunes in the world's major banks. There is also a lot of debate over the parties to the inheritance of property.

At this time, a 17-year-old girl stood up, that is, in the 20s of the last century, the Russian police fished out a biological girl, and after many questions, the girl revealed her true identity. She said she was Princess Anastaya, and in the eyes of the crowd in disbelief she told everyone about her origins.

The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

She told everyone about the tragedy of the royal family being wiped out, and under the strafing of bullets, her sister and mother used their bodies to block bullets for themselves. At the same time, the princess was rescued by a soldier named Tchaikovsky, and finally escaped. Thanks to the soldier's life-saving grace, the two fell in love.

They fled all the way to the field, and finally the soldiers were assassinated to protect themselves. And this princess has also said everywhere about her origins, but no one believes it. In the end, she chose to jump into the river. After this news was exposed, it was a sensation.

The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

Although the story she compiled was full of holes, there was not enough evidence to debunk her. The public is also happy to see the appearance of this "legendary" princess, so many people have the attitude of preferring to believe that she has not believed in her or not. Eventually, the princess was taken to live in the castle.

Tassia lived a wealthy life as she wished, and there were still people around her. He began to attend gatherings of the upper classes, as well as various royal events. He became a descendant of the royal family with unlimited scenery, and even inherited the huge wealth of the last Tsar Nicholas II.

The village girl pretended to be the last princess, inherited hundreds of millions of assets, and her identity was exposed in her later years, but she had been rich all her life

Tassia lived her princess-like life in this way, and it was not until later in her life that the truth resurfaced. The bones of the last Tsar were found and DNA was extracted for verification. After a comparison, people realized that she was not a real princess, his real name was Francesca, she was just a village girl born in a small mountain village, in order to live the good life she dreamed of, she actually made up such a lie. When she became a princess, although she was now exposed, she has been rich for a lifetime.

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