
How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

Although we are not professional historical researchers, we are loyal history lovers, willing to find people on the same road and talk about history.

Wanrong was the last empress of the Qing Dynasty, so why should we say she was a smoker? This is mainly because Wanrong's addiction to smoking is very large, and some people may feel very strange, because we know that Wanrong herself is born into an aristocracy, which can be said to be very noble, why does such a noble person get infected with smoking? For how Wanrong was infected with smoking, this point can not be found in the history of the source, after all, such a thing, in general, no one will go to the special record, however, the author personally believes that Wanrong smoking should not be learned from the palace, in the mother's house, she may have been exposed to cigarettes.

How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

This is not an empty wind, because Wanrong's mother is a smoker herself, smoking is a regular thing, and as a daughter, Wanrong sees that her mother often smokes, and she has slowly developed such a thought, but it is not too strange. Moreover, the reason why Wanrong has such a big addiction should also be related to her later life, because we know that Wanrong and Puyi are only superficial couples, and many things that will happen between husband and wife do not exist in their bodies. Of course, this is not what Wanrong wants to see, it is something she only knew after she entered the palace and married Puyi.

How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

And at that time, cigarettes into our country did not take long, or the upper class can afford to consume things, cigarettes just introduced to the palace, the year of Cixi Lafayette also smoked twice, feel good, and Cixi smoked, the people below naturally followed up to learn, and later because of smoking also caused a small fire, after that, Cixi will not allow people in the palace to smoke again, so as not to cause greater accidents (it seems that Cixi Lafayette's safety awareness is still very high)!

How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

It was only by the time WanRong entered the palace that the concubines had already smoked again, mainly because life in the palace was already very boring, and it had long become the norm for women to pass the time by smoking. And in such an environment, Wanrong naturally began to smoke! And Wanrong's addiction to smoking is getting bigger and bigger, almost to the point where a daily cigarette can't leave his hand.

How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

According to Wanrong's younger brother Runqi, he once went into the palace to see his sister and wanted to ask her for peace: "Once when she entered the palace to ask for peace, the empress did not wear a court dress, but changed into a long skirt with light crimson and white hollow lace, lying on her neck on a soft collapse, holding a cigarette in her hand, and was swallowing clouds and spitting mist, and an old eunuch in her fifties knelt on the ground holding a ball smokepot, a spittoon and other objects. As an older sister, Wan Rong did not shy away from seeing her brother, "silently, turned over, and continued to smoke."

How many cigarettes does the "smoker" Queen Wanrong smoke in a day? Look at the records of the Ministry of the Interior

From this detail, we can see that although Wanrong is only in her twenties, she is indeed already a smoker, and later because of the changes in the situation, Wanrong went to the northeast with Puyi, and at that time, Wanrong's cigarette smoked even more severely, once Puyi saw Puyi smoking badly, she let the Ministry of Internal Affairs make a record, the record shows that within a year, Wanrong smoked thirty-four hundred and thirty cigarettes, what is this concept? If we divide this number evenly among each day, we will find that the young queen has an average of eighty-five cigarettes a day, that is, four or five packs of cigarettes a day, which may not be thought of by most people, and even those who have a great addiction to smoking generally cannot reach this number, which can be said to be very frightening.

The impact of such a large amount of smoking on Wanrong's body is very serious, coupled with Wanrong's serious opium addiction in addition to smoking, which also makes Wanrong die prematurely, which is also a kind of pain.

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