
Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

From the perspective of world history, the history of the world is actually the history of the continuous rise and strengthening of great powers. And the strength of each big country will have a huge impact on the pattern and distribution of power in the whole world. As an old power, we do not want the new power to be strong, especially for the superpower. Therefore, there are historical events in which the world's old powers continue to encircle and suppress the rise of new powers, the most typical of which is the United States alone, which has suppressed four powerful countries, including Germany, Japan, Britain, and the Soviet Union, that is to say, the United States has blocked the strength of four countries. But there are exceptions to this, the most typical of the strength of our country, that is, no one can stop it, why say so? The reason is only four words.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

Although since recent history, the strength of many countries has been blocked and interrupted. Germany, in particular, suffered two world wars, which completely knocked it down. And the Soviet Union, although it was also very powerful, but after fifty years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union finally fell in front of the West. So the West has always been very proud and arrogant, because in their eyes, there is no country that cannot be stopped.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

However, for the Chinese nation, it is definitely an exception, the Chinese nation has been the world's strongest nation since ancient times, occupying the world's most fertile and excellent East Asian mainland region, with the most abundant population. Moreover, in ancient times, whether it was the Han Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty, there were powerful countries that blocked the strength of the Chinese nation, such as the Xiongnu of the Han Dynasty, the Turks of the Tang Dynasty, etc., which seemed to be incomparably powerful, and were ultimately defeated in the rise of the Chinese nation. Since then, all the dynasties have been like this, and every time the Chinese nation is strong, it is unstoppable by any force.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

And even now it is still the case, since The Second World War, our country has been on the road of re-strengthening, a hundred years of national shame, and the country has continued to grow stronger. From the Korean War, to the Vietnam War, from the War to India to the War against Vietnam, none of them stopped our country. Moreover, in the decades-long blockade and encirclement of the West, china has not only not been dragged down, but has been constantly strong and rich, and has made comprehensive breakthroughs in cutting-edge science and technology.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

Especially economically, after the reform and opening up, the economy has developed rapidly, and in a few decades, it has become the world's second largest economy from a poor country... It can be said that the containment along the way, the obstruction along the way, the pits along the way, and the blows along the way have not been able to stop all this. And now our country is more powerful on the basis of the present, and no one can stop it. Many people don't understand, why is this?

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

In fact, the reason is very simple, there are only four words, that is, "all people are one heart". China has summed up a sentence for thousands of years, that is, "as long as Chinese does not toss itself, then there is no force that can stop China's development", which can be said to be the best embodiment of "one heart and one mind". Because the Chinese nation has a huge and fertile land, has the largest number of people in the world, and the entire nation is industrious, brave, intelligent and wise.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

As long as such a Chinese nation is united in its efforts to develop and become strong, it is impossible for the forces to stop it, and this is especially true in ancient times and even more so in modern times. After World War II, the Chinese nation once again united as one to wash away the humiliation of modern times and rebuild a strong motherland. Therefore, the people of the whole country are united as one, developing the economy, bravely climbing the peak, relying on themselves, and developing themselves, so that they can constantly break the siege again and again, and can they break one blockade after another.

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

Therefore, when the Chinese nation is united, it can produce the greatest force in the world, and no country or person can stop the strength of this force. As long as the country is united and united, then we will not be afraid of any force that can block the strength of our country, which is the most central reason. Therefore, The strength of China is something that no one can stop!

Why is it that no one can stop China's strength?

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Reference: Modern and Contemporary World History.

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