
Will there be a "signal" that diabetic complications are coming? These 5 depend on whether you can catch them or not

The terrible thing about diabetes is not that high blood sugar causes bad symptoms, but that the condition is not well controlled and allows complications to hit. Complications are numerous, most of them difficult to deal with, and can threaten the health of patients, so it is important to understand the correct way to control blood sugar. In addition, what alarms the body has after complications should also be understood in advance, pay more attention to changes in the body, and take timely countermeasures for diseases that meet the characteristics.

Will there be a "signal" that diabetic complications are coming? These 5 depend on whether you can catch them or not

1. Blurred vision

When diabetes hits, the body has many bad symptoms, and if other organs are injured, there will also be alarms, and those who see things blurrily and have decreased vision need to suspect a disease. Retinopathy is an adverse consequence of many people's high blood sugar, at this time the high sugar environment accelerates the blood vessels around the eyes, nerve lesions, the eyes will gradually decline in function, and then the phenomenon of vision decline. Eye damage should be reduced by properly controlling blood sugar.

2. Ulcers on both feet

Many people have special ulcer wounds on their feet because of high blood sugar. In a high-sugar environment, the feet become target organs, will be injured one after another, whether it is nerves, skin tissue or blood vessels will reduce the function, and then there are ulcer wounds that are difficult to heal, and there will be secondary infections without timely treatment, resulting in local pain, itchy skin, etc., which need to be treated in time for diabetes.

Will there be a "signal" that diabetic complications are coming? These 5 depend on whether you can catch them or not

3. Proteinuria appears

High blood sugar is a very dangerous situation, some people continue to fluctuate in indicators, but also let the kidneys be damaged, once in the process of urination appeared a lot of foam, indicating that the kidneys have lesions. Tubular filtration function is affected, the amount of protein loss is large, there will be foam that is difficult to dissipate after the urine composition is changed, and the protein content inside can be found to exceed the standard through laboratory tests, which is also a warning of kidney damage, indicating that diabetic nephropathy is coming, and the follow-up will be accompanied by symptoms such as hematuria, body puffiness, and oliguria.

4. Chest tightness and fatigue

Chest tightness, poor breathing, and even a change in heart rate are also warnings from complications invading the body. Diabetes has a wide range of effects, and some people's constant fluctuations in blood sugar will also accelerate peripheral vascular disease, and then the heart blood, nutrients can not be obtained in time.

The corresponding symptoms are obvious when the body is heavily burdened and the heart cannot function. If blood sugar can be controlled in time after the signal is sent, and heart function can be improved, the damage to the body will be reduced, so as to avoid other serious heart diseases.

Will there be a "signal" that diabetic complications are coming? These 5 depend on whether you can catch them or not

5. Dizziness and headache

High blood sugar is the main cause of complications, and those with repeated dizziness and headaches may suspect diabetic complications. Because the blood sugar is too high, the most vulnerable to damage is the blood vessels and the nervous system, the blood vessels in the brain part are damaged in a high-sugar environment, and other indicators are not well controlled at the same time, which is easy to accelerate the arrival of cerebral infarction, and the brain is in a state of ischemia and hypoxia, and the local circulation cannot be maintained normally, which will make the patient dizzy and headache.

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