
Huawei WATCH D official announcement! Published with the P50 box by registration

Huawei has decided to hold a winter flagship new product launch at 15:30 on December 23, when it will bring various new products, including flip-top folding screen mobile phones, blood pressure watches, etc. At present, Huawei P50 treasure box has announced that it has joined the winter flagship new product lineup (most likely a new product with a clamshell folding screen).

Huawei WATCH D official announcement! Published with the P50 box by registration

Huawei WATCH D official announcement

On the afternoon of December 14, after the Huawei P50 treasure box, Huawei Official Bo announced that Huawei wrist ECG blood pressure recorder WATCH D has passed the REGISTRATION OF FOOD and Drug Administration Class II medical devices, and this new product will be unveiled at the Huawei Winter Flagship New Product Conference held at 15:30 on the 23rd of this month, so stay tuned.

Huawei WATCH D official announcement! Published with the P50 box by registration

Huawei WATCH D official announcement poster

Along with the official announcement information is the exterior design of Huawei WATCHD. Judging from the official poster, Huawei WATCHD adopts a square dial design, and the strap uses soft materials, which should be comfortable to wear.

It is worth noting that at present, Huawei WATCH D has opened reservations on Huawei Mall, the reservation time is from December 14 to 17, and the new blind price reservation will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on the 17th.

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