
Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many Kuomintang officers made outstanding contributions, especially in the frontal battlefield with the Japanese army, and they heroically resisted the Japanese army, which led to later victories. The biggest victory china won on the frontal battlefield was the great victory of Taierzhuang, which happened to be fought by the troops led by Li Zongren, the former commander of the Gui clan.

After many years, Li Zongren returned to China with the help of Premier Zhou Enlai, and after returning to China, he was already seventy-five years old, and he fell in love with the twenty-seven-year-old Hu Yousong, and the two of them immediately consummated their marriage with the consent of Premier Zhou Enlai. But on the big wedding night, Hu Yousong was heard crying and weeping, why was this?

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

1. Li Zongren returned to China

Li Zongren was once the first chair of the Gui clan troops, and the Gui clan was also the ace unit of the Kuomintang, making countless military achievements on the battlefield. Later, during the Liberation War, the Gui forces were wiped out, and Li Zongren had to flee to the United States, but after his later years, he missed his hometown so much that he sent people to negotiate with Premier Zhou Enlai to fulfill his wish to return to China to recuperate.

Zhou Enlai helped Li Zongren and his family to return to China smoothly, and his wife was found to be seriously ill not long after returning to China to enjoy his last years of old age. At that time, the medical level of our country was not developed enough, and it was generally active to die soon after contracting cancer. Coupled with the upheaval and displacement of the car and horse, it was found that it was already advanced breast cancer.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Not long after returning to China, Li Zongren's wife died, and the two people established a very posthumous relationship in the war-torn era, so Li Zongren was difficult to accept the death of his wife. After his wife left, Li Zongren was sad and his body was deteriorating, and he couldn't eat because of his mood, so he was worried about people every day.

Because When Li Zongren returned to China in his later years, his family did not come back with him, only his wife returned with him, so he did not have too close people around him. Originally, his wife was the one who took care of his food, clothing, and housing, but after his wife left, Li Zongren's one person had three meals, food, and housing was a big problem, so the people around him tried to help him find a secretary.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Later, at a party, Li Zongren met Hu Yousong and was attracted by her beauty. Later, after investigation, Hu Yousong studied nursing professionally, and with the help of the people around him, Hu Yousong became Li Zongren's life secretary. Originally, Li Zongren did not want to remarry after the death of his wife, but after getting along with Hu Yousong, the two people felt that it was okay, and only then did they have a later story.

2. Hu Yousong

Why Hu Yousong looked so beautiful, let Li Zongren fall in love at first sight. That also starts with her mother, Hu Yousong's mother is the famous Hu Die, a famous movie star at that time. But when Hu Yousong was young, he did not live with his mother, but with his aunt.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

When she was a child, Hu Di had never met her father, only knew that her mother was performing on stage, and when she grew up a little, her mother probably did not want her to be affected by the environment at that time, so she sent her to her aunt's house to raise her. But her aunt was not very kind to her, not only greedy for money but also often scolded her. Squander all the money left by Hu Die.

Because of her mother's good genes, Hu Yousong grew up more and more beautiful, there are many people around her, but Hu Yousong never dared to easily believe anyone because of her family, even others are good to her, she also feels that there is an ulterior motive. Hu Yousong once had a boyfriend, and although this boyfriend was very good to him, he did not get along for too long.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Because men will always be nice to you in the beginning, and then they will reveal their true faces later, so it doesn't take long for the two to break up. A beautiful relationship ended in this way, which hit Hu Yousong very hard, and since then Hu Yousong has not dared to easily believe any man, so she has remained single before meeting Li Zongren.

Hu Yousong herself was still very hard, although her aunt did not pay him tuition, she went to the key school with excellent results to free tuition, and later also studied nursing school, majoring in nursing. And this became the most important factor for her to eventually become Li Zongren's secretary.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Zhang Chengren is a friend of Li Zongren, knowing that after his wife died, Zhang Chengren helped him find the right person, and then he picked Hu Yousong In order to eliminate Hu Yousong's concerns, they also specially held an interview meeting for Hu Yousong, which could make her become Li Zongren's secretary without any other thoughts, so the two became partners in life.

Third, the big wedding night wept bitterly

Li Zongren himself is also very frank, he often praises Hu Yousong is really beautiful, and then hires her as his secretary with a high salary. Although The Li Zongren that Hu Yousong saw was more than seventy years old, his body was still very strong and tough, and the military style on his body was radiated from the inside out, so Hu Yousong also willingly became a secretary beside him.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Hu Yousong agreed to Li Zongren's invitation and has been taking care of him by his side, and the two people are getting better and better. Li Zongren liked his youthful beauty, and Hu Yousong was slowly attracted by the conversation and temperament of this seventy-year-old. After all, Li Zongren is a great general who has been traversing his life, and his vision and insight are still there, so the two people are also attracted to each other.

Next, when it came time to talk about marriage, Li Zongren felt that the age difference between the two people was too big and not very embarrassed, but with the help of everyone, he still proposed to Hu Yousong. Although Hu Yousong was very surprised, he still agreed to him after the precipitation of time. On the night of the wedding, Hu Xuesong suddenly cried, looking at her husband who was so much older than herself, anyone would have mixed feelings.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

Li Zongren also saw Hu Yousong's thoughts, and rushed to comfort her, saying that he would be good to her and would not let her be wronged. Hu Yousong only then relaxed his mind. However, only three years after the two were married, Li Zongren was taken away from the world by illness.

4. Summary

When Li Zongren died, Hu Yousong was carefully cared for by her side, and this man who had been married to her for three years also had a different feeling for her. After Li Zongren's death, Hu Yousong did not remarry, but was alone to the end. I don't know if she misses the seventy-year-old man who is physically tough and smiling.

Li Zongren's grandfather and grandson love, the difference between his wife and her age is nearly 50 years, does she have a plan?

When Li Zongren left, he was also very sorry that he did not see the reunification of the motherland, hoping that his wish would be realized in the future, and after Li Zongren's death, Hu Yousong did not divide up too much of his property, but donated most of his property to people in need in society, and she really had no other intentions for him.

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