
"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

Companionship is the longest confession of affection, and guardianship is the warmest companionship. On December 10th, the "Super Moment, Energetic And Happy Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival and Super Edition Listing Conference was grandly opened. Nearly a thousand Tiggo 7 series users from all over the country gathered at zhuhai Riyuebei Grand Theater to listen to the user's "long-term confession" to the brand at the scene of intertwined light and shadow, witnessed the brand's meticulous "super protection" to users, and opened a new journey of "new trend co-creation" for the brand and users.

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

Jinqing Ledong - "Le" together, the user firmly ranked in the brand C position

This ceremony is the first fan carnival created by the Tiggo 7 series for users, and it is also a bridge for brands to communicate with users. What users like, the brand does. This time, Chery Automobile will meet friends with users through the social way that users like, and "le" together with users, so that users can become the C protagonist of the brand. At the event site, three user representatives with super stories shared the true story of Tiggo 7 companionship and protection, and sang the popular hit song "50 Years Later" to express their love and support for Chery Automobile.

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

Not only that, Chery Automobile also invited three popular musicians who are quite popular among young users- Healing Ge ji Xiao Ah Qi, Southern Sami Dai Yutong and Hundred Change Voice Line Wu Dailin to open their voices and open their voices, and use the sound of nature to give fans companionship and protection, pushing the fan ceremony to a climax.

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

User Co-creation - Tiggo 7 released the "New Trend Co-creation" plan

Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival is a fan activity with users as the main participant, and it is also an important part of Chery Automobile's practice of "user +" thinking and the implementation of fan marketing. Qi Subin, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Marketing Company, said: "Users are not only friends of the Chery brand, but also a new super power force that pushes Chery Automobile forward. Today, the users and fans of Tiggo 7 will become the model managers, boutique development decision-makers, event partners and VIP beneficiaries of Tiggo 7 in the future. Tiggo 7 will work with users to create, share and win-win! “

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

"Chery Tiggo 7 New Trend Co-creation Plan" officially announced:

In the future, Chery Automobile will invite users to participate in product co-creation, let users fully express their needs, jointly create users' "Dream Car", and let users participate in product modification and boutique development, so that each Tiggo 7 is different to meet the personalized car experience of young people today.

At the same time, Chery Automobile will create social activities with users, jointly establish a social base in the same city to break the shackles of "online social", take the user's interest scene as the center, organize outdoor, music, photography and other diversified community activities, and link different user groups with a more refined operation mode, so that brands and users can play together.

In addition, Chery Automobile will also create services and co-creation with various brands, and build an exclusive Tiggo 7 user selection platform, with "shared thinking" as the core, to provide users with an ecosystem of shared value such as travel, life and service.

Super moment - Tiggo 7 Super Edition sold from 86,900 yuan, and it was safe to drive

In the interesting interaction on the spot, the price of the Tiggo 7 Super Edition was also unveiled. The Tiggo 7 Super Edition launched The Kunpeng Power 1.6TGDI-7DCT and 1.5TCI-9CVT power combinations, a total of five models, priced at 86,900 yuan. In addition, Tiggo 7 Super Edition also brings seven pet powder benefits, including cash gift - order 1000 yuan to 2000 yuan car purchase; financial gift - enjoy up to 5000 yuan financial subsidy; replacement gift - enjoy up to 7000 yuan full product replacement subsidy; additional purchase gift - enjoy up to 3000 yuan additional purchase subsidy; warranty gift - enjoy the engine lifetime free warranty (limited to the first car owner); traffic gift - enjoy basic traffic for life free, entertainment traffic free for 1 year (limited to the first car owner); health gift - Enjoy CN95 medical grade air conditioning filter. Multiple courtesies have triggered a new generation of young consumer welfare carnivals.

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

The arrival of the Tiggo 7 Super Edition will further enrich the product matrix of the Tiggo 7 series, bring a safe and pleasant travel experience to more young consumers, and become your "super guardian" with the three super strengths of "super power", "super power safety" and "super comfort".

"Super Moment Energetic Movement" Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival, grand opening

Roundup: Tiggo 7 Douyin Fan Carnival is an equal, open and free stage built for users, Chery Automobile listens to users' voices at zero distance, continuously consolidates the emotional bond between users and brands, and continues to promote users and brands to work together and create together.

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