
He can be called the first master of the Republic of China, although he is crazy and crazy, he is very respected

In the Republic of China period, Zhang Taiyan was definitely a famous and prominent figure, and there was a newspaper that selected one hundred and eight generals in the cultural circles at that time, and the first one in the list was Zhang Taiyan.

He can be called the first master of the Republic of China, although he is crazy and crazy, he is very respected

Although Zhang Taiyan is a master of traditional Chinese studies, he is not trim and crazy. However, his "madness" is not confused, but his true temperament, which is very admirable.

In 1912, not long after Yuan Shikai took office, he revealed his true face of despotism. After the defeat of the second revolution, many revolutionaries were assassinated, and many fled overseas, except for Zhang Taiyan, who was then the envoy of the three eastern provinces, who did not leave, and he went to Beijing to question Yuan Shikai in person.

Yuan Shikai was intimidated by his fame at the time, and he thought that he still needed the support of these people at the enthronement ceremony, so he put him under house arrest first. Zhang Taiyan tried to escape several times, but none of them escaped. One day, a revolutionary secretly bought a ticket and arranged all the itineraries, wanting to take Zhang Taiyan to escape from here, and Zhang Taiyan was also very happy and cooperated vigorously.

At this time, Zhang Bolie, Zhang Daxin, Wu Zongci, and others were subjected to Yuan Shikai's obscenity and were ordered to come and "visit" Zhang Taiyan, in fact, to spy on him. This made Zhang Taiyan feel embarrassed, several people were once good friends, working together, if he fled, these people are estimated to have no life. However, if he did not leave, the revolutionary would also be busy in vain, Zhang Taiyan had been fighting ideologically for several days, and he felt that it would be better for him not to go, first, Yuan Shikai would not poison himself at present, and there would be opportunities in the future, and second, he could also save Zhang Bolie, Zhang Daxin, and others.

He can be called the first master of the Republic of China, although he is crazy and crazy, he is very respected

On this day, the revolutionary brought a train ticket and set up a contact code. Zhang Taiyan then asked Zhang Bolie, Zhang Daxin and others to eat, and secretly told them that he was leaving. After Zhang Bolie and others listened, their hearts clucked a little, but they didn't know how to be good.

At this time, Zhang Taiyan showed extraordinary excitement, drank a lot of wine, and proposed to "scold Yuan" as a liquor order, and everyone threw punches. As a result, Zhang Taiyan lost a lot, scolding while drinking, drinking more and more, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep on the table. Finally, I also missed the time to get on the bus. The revolutionary was helpless and the situation was critical, so he had to go first, and after Zhang Taiyan passed, he "apologized" to him through various channels, saying that he was too confused and had mishandled because of alcohol.

Zhang Taiyan lived in Shanghai in his later years, and later moved to Suzhou, where he decided to settle. He didn't have a property in Suzhou and decided to buy a safe place to live. One day, someone introduced a house, and after reading it, he did not rush to buy it, but inquired about the situation of the homeowner in the local area.

On the third day, he personally came to the door and said that he wanted to buy the house, and said that he liked the house very much and began to negotiate the price. When the owner saw that he liked it, and looked confused, he asked for a price of fifteen thousand yuan, which was at least five or six thousand yuan higher than the market price at that time. But who knows, Zhang Taiyan agreed on the spot, and asked their opinions, can you paint the house again, and prune the trees in the courtyard.

The owner of the house took advantage of the big advantage, of course agreed, but who knows, he has not nodded, Zhang Taiyan spoke again: "You can rest assured, I can't let you do it in vain, I will add you two thousand yuan, can I?" "This is a good thing that pie fell from the sky, so this house was finally sold for seventeen thousand yuan."

He can be called the first master of the Republic of China, although he is crazy and crazy, he is very respected

After Zhang Taiyan returned home, he talked about it with his wife Tang Guoli. Tang Guoli personally went to inspect it the next day, and after reading it, he almost died of anger, this house is not only not worth seventeen thousand yuan, but he can't even live in it. Next to the yard is a textile factory, the sound of machines rumbling every day, not far in front of a pig, chicken, stinky.

After she returned, she quarreled with Zhang Taiyan, not only scolding him for being confused, but also calling him senile dementia, but Zhang Taiyan laughed and said nothing. Later, Tang Guoli learned that Zhang Taiyan inquired that the owner of this house was a sacrificial revolutionary, and although Zhang Taiyan did not intersect with him, he greatly admired his spirit of sacrificing for the revolution, and watched his descendants want to sell the house to live, so he decided to buy a house at a high price, which was considered to be an admiration for the martyrs and a support for future generations.

Zhang Taiyan is usually confused, but these two things can be seen in his heart of benevolence and kindness, which is indeed admirable.

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