
A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

Chinese civilization has a history of thousands of years, during which a total of 83 dynasties have emerged in China, and the nomadic peoples of the north have always played a very important role in the history of the rise and fall of these dynasties. They often took advantage of the weakness of the Central Plains regime to go south to rob property and plunder the population, which was a major problem for the Central Plains Dynasty.

Xiongnu forces existed on the northern border of China as early as the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, and Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall and sent Meng Tian to lead 200,000 troops to garrison the border pass, which drove the Xiongnu away.

A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

However, with the dispute between the princes at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the power of various places rose up, the Central Plains forces were unable to govern the northern border, and the Xiongnu made a comeback after recuperating through recuperation, and since Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, he repeatedly attacked the territory of northern China.

Although the Han Dynasty hoped to be able to live in peace with the Xiongnu, sign treaties, and adopt a policy of peace, but they could only maintain a short period of peace, after a period of time, the Xiongnu who lacked materials on the steppe would still lead the army to invade and loot, and the seventh emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after decades of development, had a powerful cavalry and army, and made up his mind to completely clear the Xiongnu out of East Asia and solve the scourge once and for all.

A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

In 129 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed wei qing, Huo Zhiyi and other capable generals to lead the cavalry to conquer the Xiongnu, and successively launched several famous battles such as the Battle of Henan, the Battle of Monan, the Battle of Hexi, and the Battle of Mobei, pulling out the Xiongnu stronghold in China and leading the Han Dynasty army to attack the Xiongnu's base camp in Central Asia.

After a long war, the Han Dynasty finally defeated the Xiongnu completely, some people submitted to the Han Dynasty, and the other part was forced to migrate to the West, in 91 AD, the Xiongnu officially admitted to the defeat in the military battle against the Eastern Han Dynasty, and began the Great Migration of the Northern Xiongnu peoples to the west.

A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

In 374 AD, the Xiongnu tribes under the leadership of Shan YuBalambo, entered the Eastern European country of Ostrogoth, at this time the Xiongnu had learned the tactics and strategies of the Han Dynasty and fully applied them to the Europeans, the Ostrogothic state was simply unable to resist, when the main force of the ostrogothic old king Hermanlik was annihilated by the Hun iron horse, the Ostrogoths lost the courage to resist. A part of the Ostrogoths surrendered.

The other part of the Ostrogoths fled to the Visigoths under the leadership of the young general Alasius, and the two countries formed an alliance and deployed in the Dniesd River in Eastern Europe, hoping to use the geographical advantage to block the Huns, but they were still killed and defeated by the Huns, and tens of thousands of troops were killed.

A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

In desperation, more than 200,000 Goths were able to abandon their homeland and, like the Huns, migrated west to the Roman Empire. However, the Roman Emperor Farrence was very unwelcome with these foreigners, and in 378 AD, Farrence led a main Roman army of 40,000 to suppress the expulsion, and fought the Gothic forces at Adriatic Fort.

Unexpectedly, the Roman phalanx infantry was not at all an opponent in front of the Experienced Gothic heavy cavalry, but was torn apart by the cavalry, including Farrence, and the Roman army, including Farrence, was killed, which directly shook the foundation of the Roman Empire and made it unable to govern its own huge land.

A thousand years ago, China beat away a powerful nation, but the result was that the world's chickens and dogs were restless

Other countries in Europe, under the oppression of the Huns, also fought their own fires in order to survive resources, causing turmoil in Europe for a long time.

All this was only because the Han Dynasty expelled the Xiongnu from the border. It can be said that China has beaten away a powerful nation, but the result has changed the history of the whole world.

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