
Before Zhuge Liang died, a strange phenomenon occurred that modern scholars cannot explain!

Before Zhuge Liang died, a strange phenomenon occurred that modern scholars cannot explain!

As we all know, Zhuge Liang was an outstanding military figure and politician in Chinese history, and his life deeds are admirable. Most of our understanding of Zhuge Liang comes from the classic scenes in film and television dramas and wonderful stories in novels.

Before Zhuge Liang died, a strange phenomenon occurred that modern scholars cannot explain!

Zhuge was born in 181, four years before Han Guanghe. He was also the son of an official and enjoyed great glory. But because his parents died one after another, he had to follow his uncle and brother. After the death of his uncle, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong, occasionally chatting with his friends Xu Shu and Cui Zhou about the world.

Liu Bei broke Zhuge seclusion. Zhuge Liang listened to Liu Bei's ambitions and proposed a three-part plan. Liu Bei happily invited Zhuge Liang out of the mountain. Zhuge was grateful for What had happened to Liu Bei. After leaving the mountain, he resolutely joined Liu Bei's army. After Liu Jun's defeat, he was ordered to persuade Eastern Wu to confront Cao Jun and resolve Liu Bei's crisis. In the ensuing battles of Chibi and Dingding Jingyi, Zhuge Liang gave full play to his talents and turned the World Third Division he proposed in Longling into reality. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang devoted himself to helping his son Liu Chan and devoted himself to the development of the Shu state. After a period of rest and rest, Zhuge led his army south, deep into the barren land, and finally won the victory, which created a lot of resources for Shu and laid the foundation for the subsequent Northern Expedition. After Cao Pi's death, his son Cao Rui ascended the throne. Zhuge Liang felt that the time had come, so he set out for the Northern Expedition. However, due to various reasons, Zhuge's five Northern Expeditions ended in failure. During the Fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge fell seriously ill and died in August of the same year.

Before Zhuge Liang died, a strange phenomenon occurred that modern scholars cannot explain!

A strange thing happened before Zhuge died. The novel defines this strange event as "the continuation of the seven-star lamp". Zhuge Liang lit the Seven Star Lantern outside the Five Zhangs, but Wei Yan's recklessness led to the failure of this opportunity to continue his life, and he eventually died in the army. However, according to historical records, "On the eve of Zhuge Liang's death, there were stars and red and mangled horns, from the northeast to the southwest to throw at the bright camp, three to throw, and then return, to the large, still small, Russian and bright pawn." That is to say, before Zhuge Liang died of illness, a star with a strong red light flew from the northeast to the southwest. In the end, a total of three times fell into Zhuge Liang's barracks. Starlight was large and small, and later Zhuge Liang died.

Before Zhuge Liang died, a strange phenomenon occurred that modern scholars cannot explain!

In fact, for now, it should be on the night of Zhuge Liang's death, there was a meteor shower from the northeast to the southwest. But it's also questionable. Why did the meteor shower occur on the night of Zhuge Liang's death and fall on Zhuge Liang's barracks? At present, modern scholars have studied various data from this period, and the cause of this problem has not been found, and it is impossible to explain it for the time being.

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