
Amazon reconsidered its plans to reinstate the phone ban

According to Sina Technology, Amazon is reconsidering its plan to restore the ban on mobile phones in its warehouses with the emergence of a variant of the new coronavirus, Omikerong, and the death of 6 employees caused by a tornado last week.

For years, Amazon banned employees from bringing their phones into the warehouse and asked them to keep them in a car or locker in the lounge before entering the warehouse. Documents show that this rule has been relaxed during the COVID-19 epidemic, but was scheduled to be restored in January next year.

Amazon reconsidered its plans to reinstate the phone ban

An Amazon spokesperson said the company's policy currently allows all Amazon employees and delivery drivers to use their phones during breaks during shifts. But Amazon warehouse workers from multiple states say their managers have called for the phone ban to be reinstated.

Amazon's five employees said they want to be able to learn about this type of bad weather information through their mobile phones in the first place, and they will not be disturbed by the company. If they were really stuck, they said, their phones could also help them get in touch with emergency responders and their families.

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