
Find someone who can cut off all the back roads for you, and you will be happy

author:Oh Mozi

In the current realistic society, we make friends and fall in love, meet the right people will be happy for a lifetime, meet the wrong people lightly leave a painful memory in the life experience, and ruin their own lives. So how should I know the people around me, let me tell you the easiest way, let's look at two examples.

When Huang Xuan faces his love, he chooses to generously admit his love affair. He also made a public confession to his girlfriend in WeChat and the circle of friends, and then Huang Xuan also thanked everyone for sending blessings, and said that the girlfriend was not a person in the circle and hoped that everyone would not disturb her life. In the morning, he was photographed by the paparazzi, and in the evening he generously admitted it. Netizens have said that Huang Xuan is generous and responsible. After seeing Huang Xuan's series of operations, a good friend told me on WeChat that Huang Xuan was too manly. Huang Xuan's high-profile confession of love, instead of cowering like other male stars, or simply playing tricks, but chooses to generously admit that his public way is too manly. Huang Xuan on the stereo has always been a low-key but very stable person. This time he officially announced his relationship in this way, so that everyone could eat a mouthful of dog food. I just want to say that to be in love is to find someone who is willing to open up generously. True love is willing to refuse temptation for you and make you feel secure, rather than two people doing what a husband and wife should do, but have not been able to have a public identity. Seeing such a sentence, people now like to pretend to be single and are unwilling to fall in love openly, because there are too many temptations and are not willing to give up the opportunity to be seduced for anyone. So now people are selfish and leave too many back roads for themselves.

My friend Nana's ex was a man who didn't want to cut corners for him. The two met through friends, and Nana knew he had five girlfriends before they met. Not long after the two broke up, he often talked to Nana about his ex-girlfriend, but Nana always didn't talk much. Every time two people finish drinking, Nana always asks him to make himself public, but he always says that my circle of friends has always been for customers to see, and private life is inconvenient. Later, Nana found that he and his ex-girlfriend still had contact, the latest chat record or asked the ex-girlfriend to recede himself, he also added a lot of strange girls' WeChat accounts, and those girls chatted ambiguously. Nana told me that I should guess he didn't like me that much because every time I wanted to open up about our relationship with him, he always prevaricated me for various reasons.

Find someone who can cut off all the back roads for you, and you will be happy

And yes, people who say they love you but don't want to reveal you, aren't actually that into you that much. To truly love someone is to be willing to cut off all the back roads for him, just in exchange for the rest of each other's free time. Now people's likes are too cheap, saying that they like you, while chatting with other girls ambiguously, while saying that I love you but do nothing for you, while saying that I can't do without you, A week after the breakup I immediately have a new lover. Sometimes, a person's biggest flaw is to consider the feelings of strangers and ignore the feelings of those closest to them. If someone wants to take you somewhere, wait until they have booked a ticket before they go and pack their bags. If someone wants to associate with you, wait until he openly says he loves you, and then agrees after he has cut off all the ways to retreat. Giving affection to the wrong person is licking the dog, giving the wrong person enthusiasm is central air conditioning, sharing happiness with the wrong person is showing off, and sadness is hypocrisy for the wrong person. All giving and love must be meaningful to the right person, otherwise it will all be in vain. A person's life is so long, you must find someone who is willing to cut off all retreats for you.

Find someone who can cut off all the back roads for you, and you will be happy

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