
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?

8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?

Source | Tencent Medical Code (ID:Dr_TXyidian)

8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?
8 normal people stayed in a mental hospital for 19 days, what happened to them?

Reviewer: Xie Junyi, Master of Psychology, Southern Medical University

Review expert: Song Chongsheng Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Psychiatry, Beijing Huilongguan Hospital

Editors: Zhang Jie, Zhang Li, Guo Qian

Painter: Bai Yi painted | Proofreading: Wu Yihe | Typesetting: Li Yongmin

Operation: Han Ningning | Coordinator: Wu Wei

[1] Rosenhan, D. L. (1973). On being sane in insane places. Science, 179(4070), 250-258.

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Shen Yu Estate (2009), Psychiatry, 5th Edition, People's Medical Publishing House.

[4] Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China (2018 Amendment)


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