
The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

In love, we have a long-standing saying that men are not bad and women do not love him. In fact, there is some truth to this statement. In love, if a man is too honest, he will not be attractive and cannot give women a sense of freshness. Conversely, if he knew a little bad, he would have an easier time conquering women!

The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

1. If you leave immediately, let the woman feel a sense of crisis

A lot of men are obsessed with pursuing women. As a result, women will find you bored and pursue her all the time. She won't feel your importance and will ignore you more and more. So, smart men know how to keep their distance so that women can feel a sense of crisis. Once a woman has a sense of crisis, she will not be so reckless with you when she is with you. She will care about your feelings and find your value even more.

The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

2. Ask her for help once in a while and make her pay for you

There is a common disease in people's feelings, that is, they turn a deaf ear to what they silently pay, but they are particularly concerned about those who have requirements for themselves. This is especially true in life. If you find that you help someone a lot, you will unconsciously develop feelings for them, and that's the cost. The same goes for the pursuit of women. Knowing how to let women help you and how to guide women to pay for you will make women pay more attention to you.

The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

3. Dare to adhere to principles, rather than obey orders

There are many men who always want to listen to women when they get along with women, and feel that only by being obedient to women can they get her favor. In fact, it is not right to think this way, because the more you think this way, the easier it is for women to think that you are not attractive. Women have a good and strong psychology, women like men with opinions, because such men are attractive in her eyes, blindly listening to women's words is not attractive.

Summary: Pursuing a woman, the appropriate bad will make her care about you, honestly and silently pay, may not have good results. Appropriate use of some skills, know how to keep a distance, instead of paying attention to women every day, know how to guide women to pay for you, not only for themselves, dare to adhere to principles, rather than obedience, attractive to women.

The best way to conquer a woman is to be bad to her

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