
How to chat with women, she will not say that you are annoyed, stupid version of teaching, no longer understand no salvation

Hello everyone, I'm Ann. If you have any questions, welcome to follow me. Well, let's get into today's main topic, I don't know when to start. Men are becoming more and more shy, and they are more and more afraid to talk to women. I don't even know how to talk to girls. Recently, many fans have come to me for help, and some of them have just talked about their girlfriends and directly entered the blacklist of girls. It will even be deleted directly by girls. Some of them don't talk, make their girlfriend angry, and some are directly awkward, and they are embarrassed to get both. Today I'm going to teach you how to chat. The most foolish teaching. If you don't understand it anymore, you won't be saved.

How to chat with women, she will not say that you are annoyed, stupid version of teaching, no longer understand no salvation

The first point is to accurately grasp the key words and expand with the key words. Many people have no topic to talk about, or the reason they talk about an awkward conversation is to pull themselves into one. Closed-loop chat status. For example, do you often ask women whether they have eaten? If a woman eats back, you don't know what to say next. Smarter people may also ask what they ate. You may answer you with a dish name or something at this time. But here, I basically don't know how to talk, which requires you to grasp the keywords that women say. Don't look at a simple dish name, you can also expand a lot here. For example, he has something he doesn't like to eat, loves not to eat spicy, loves what dishes he loves to eat, and what he hates to eat the most. After understanding his taste, you can find some better restaurants. Then ask him to say that you know where there are delicious restaurants to take him to eat. Girls will definitely be happy. I will give you the answer, but I will also find you very interesting, and I can feel that you care about him.

How to chat with women, she will not say that you are annoyed, stupid version of teaching, no longer understand no salvation

The second point, with love words or cute memes, for many straight men to annoy girlfriends, you directly use words to redeem, I think the drama is not very big. You need to solve this problem in a softer way. Of course, the premise is that you are not committing a matter of principle. Whether it is at the beginning of the chat or in the middle of the chat, straight men can use some of the more cute emojis or ah special. Such memes, you have to admit that this thing is more interesting than your words, and it is easier to close the distance between you and women, and it is easier to ease your nervous or intensifying emotions. In addition to some memes, you can also say some love words at some critical times. For example, when this girl is very satisfied with your chat content, you can use a love word to tease her. Of course, your love words should not be too bad, it is okay to copy up, but it cannot be used to flood, otherwise it is counterproductive.

How to chat with women, she will not say that you are annoyed, stupid version of teaching, no longer understand no salvation

Today I will teach you so much more, if you want to know more, you can pay attention to me.

Well, today's sharing is here, there is no one to know, quickly pay attention to those emotions, in the comments below to consult the progress of the problem. Likes, favorites, shares and retweets are also welcome. We. See you next time, bye bye.

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