
The new king ascends the throne! Red Bull Racing Verstappen won the F1 World Championship for the first time

Recently, the Formula One World Championship (F1) 2021 season finale was held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, before this competition, British star Hamilton from Mercedes Racing team and Verstappen from Red Bull Racing team accumulated 369.5 points, so this race will also determine the F1 championship. In the end, Verstappen overtook Hamilton in the final lap, winning the race with a 0.371 second advantage and becoming the 34th world champion in F1 history, and the first Dutch driver to win the title, which also ended Hamilton's eight-crown dream.

The new king ascends the throne! Red Bull Racing Verstappen won the F1 World Championship for the first time

Verstappen won the 2021 F1 Drivers' Championship

Verstappen's victory was dramatic. Shortly after the start of the race, Verstappen was pulled away by Hamilton, and after that, the rear wheels of the car were abnormal, even falling behind by 22 seconds at one point. The key point of the race came on lap 53, with 5 laps remaining, Williams' Latife rushed out of the track and the event organizers decided to send a safety car, which also meant that the race results would start counting again. On lap 58, the safety car withdrew and the race entered a lap-definite stage. With the advantage of replacing the soft tires in the previous pit stop, Verstappen completed the overtaking of Hamilton and finally won the race, and also won the 2021 F1 Drivers' Championship.

The new king ascends the throne! Red Bull Racing Verstappen won the F1 World Championship for the first time

Mercedes decided to appeal

After the race, the Mercedes team was not satisfied with the final result and decided to protest to the FIA, but the protest was eventually rejected. However, the Mercedes team did not give up and again submitted a notice of intention to appeal against the decision to arbitrate the race. Although the drivers lost the championship, mercedes team still won the 2021 constructors' championship with strong overall strength, achieving eight consecutive F1 constructors' championships.

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