
Today is the 8th National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, remembering history and cherishing peace!

The national sacrifice is dedicated to my compatriots.

December 13, 2021

It is the 8th National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre

This is an extremely dark page in the history of human civilization. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army invaded Nanjing, causing the tragic Nanjing Massacre, in which 300,000 compatriots were killed, women were trampled and maimed, children died, one-third of the buildings were destroyed, and a large amount of property was plundered.

Although the smoke of war has dissipated, history cannot be forgotten. On February 27, 2014, the state established December 13 every year as the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre in the form of legislation. In the same year, Nanjing launched the first network linkage public festival activity, which is now the eighth year. Tens of millions of netizens from all over the country and more than a dozen countries such as the United States, britain, Germany, and Australia used the online public memorial platform to remember the victims of the Nanjing Massacre and speak out for peace.

Since the establishment of the National Memorial Service for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre in 2014, more than 8 million visitors from all over the world have visited the Memorial Hall of the Compatriots Killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Invasion of China every year. From 2020 onwards, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the memorial hall has adopted the "epidemic prevention + reservation" visit model, and the average annual number of visitors has remained above 1 million.

National Day of Public Worship 2020

There are also 73 registered survivors

And this year

That number became 61

They are withering away

Ge Daorong, Ruan Dingdong, Xie Guiying

They were all children 84 years ago

They survived the bloody sea of corpses of the Nanjing Massacre

But he watched his loved ones die in front of him


84 years

The names of loved ones are engraved on the "Wailing Wall"

Bits and pieces with loved ones

It is also forever engraved in the deepest recesses of their hearts

Peoples who have experienced suffering understand the preciousness of peace. The more unforgettable the pain, the more enduring the belief in remembering history and cherishing peace. To remember history is not to continue hatred, but to take history as a mirror, face the future, inherit the feelings of home and country, and condense the great power of national rejuvenation.

Today is the 8th National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, remembering history and cherishing peace!

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