
10 historical allusions to Xifeng How many have you heard of?

author:Bright big guy

Zhou Gongqingjie

In the late Yin Shang Period, during the Great Battle of Makino, the Zhou army was successful in cutting silk, and King Wu of Zhou rewarded the three armies with the "Qin wine" (that is, the present-day Xifeng wine, named after the Yongcheng city produced in Qin), and then held a grand celebration of the founding of the country with Liulin wine. According to Fengxiang's official Inscription, Zhou Gongdan led an army on the Eastern Expedition during the Reign of King Zhou Cheng, quelled the anti-Zhou rebellion of Guan Shu, Cai Shu, and Huo Shu, and after the triumph, sacrificed his ancestors with Qin wine at the Qiyi Zhou Temple (in qishan County, which is now bordering Fengxiang), and celebrated his victory.

Give wine to detoxify

During the Spring and Autumn Period, more than 300 "wild people" near Yongcheng (Fengxiang) killed and ate several good horses of Qin Mugong, were captured by local officials, and sent to the capital to punish them for theft, Qin Mugong stopped and pardoned them for their crimes, and gave the general Zhongqin wine to the "wildlings" to drink, in order to prevent "eating horse meat without drinking alcohol and injuring the body". Later, the Great War of Qin, Jin, and Hanyuan broke out, and Qin Mugong was besieged by the army led by Jin Huigong and could not break through under longmen Mountain, and at the moment of crisis, suddenly a group of "wild people" entered the siege, a big killing and slashing, the Jin army was defeated, and Jin Huigong was birded. This is exactly the favor of more than three hundred "savages" who fought to avenge Mu Gong's old "theft of horses without sin, but also worry about injuring the body, and instead give good wine".

Yu Xin "Drinking Thief Horse Praise": When the horse is stolen, the King of Qin is not angry. Pour wine first, and fear hurt people. Neighbors marched to the country, and the poor invaded Qin. So the great thief also made a hero.

10 historical allusions to Xifeng How many have you heard of?

Blowing the flute leads to the phoenix

According to legend, the daughter of Qin Mugong is not only like a flower like jade, but also good at blowing sheng, with its own tone, and its voice is like a phoenix. One night, Nong Yu was blowing a pipe on the "Phoenix Tower", and it was far as if there was a harmony sound coming, and the afterglow was beautiful, like a gossamer continuously. After that, I didn't think about it. When Qin Mugong found out, he sent someone to find this young man, Xiao Shi, and Rong Yu's illness was cured. Since then, Nong Yu tian tian played sheng gong with the teenager in the Feng Lou, and the two should be reconciled. One night, the two were playing together in the bright moonlight, when suddenly a dragon and a phoenix flew in response, so Xiao Shi rode the red dragon, got the jade and rode the purple phoenix, and both flew away in the clouds. The picture of the blowing xiao yingfeng on the porcelain of the Ming Xuande official kiln is depicted according to this legend to express the expectation of a happy marriage.

Emperor Dafu of Qin

  In May 25, the Qin army attacked the Yan and Zhao states, and the Qin army ordered the "Great Fu of the World", that is, to hold a nationwide drinking event, and the Qin King and the Wenwu Hundred Officials drank Qin wine with joy to celebrate. In July of the same year, the Qin army attacked the State of Qi, at which point the State of Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms and unified the world, and the King of Qin held a grand ceremony for the founding of the country and the enthronement of the emperor with Qin wine, and once again ordered the "Great Fu of the World" to celebrate with the whole country. Since then, Qin wine has become the imperial wine of the Qin Dynasty.

Throw wine into the river

In the thirty-sixth year of the Duke of Qin (624 BC), Xia, commanding a large army to cut down the Jin Dynasty, won the victory in the Battle of Wang Guan. When the Qin army returned from Maojin to cross the river, Qin Mugong wanted to comfort the soldiers, but there was not enough wine. Uncle Dafu said: The only rice can be thrown into the river and brewed. All the wine he brought with him was poured into the Yellow River. The sky was full of incense, the sergeants drank, drunk and cheered.

Etiquette with wine

When Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western Regions in 139 BC, wine produced in Fengxiang had already been given as a gift from the imperial court to friends, and it spread to Central Asia, West Asia and European countries along the Silk Road with the caravans of merchants and camels. In 121 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty used Xifeng wine in Chang'an to serve as the general Huo Zhiyi's general Zhengxi commander, and his morale was greatly boosted, and he defeated the Xiongnu many times. According to the "Records of Fengxiang County", from Han Gaozu to Emperor Wenjing, the five domain sacrifices were held in Yongcheng 19 times, and the civil and military officials of the imperial court and the inkers drank Liulin wine day and night.

Golden phoenix stepping on snow

According to the "Chronicle of Fengxiang County", the Tang Dynasty Anshi Rebellion broke out, and the rebels approached Yongcheng. Taishou Guangzheng built a new city to prevent accidents, but it was repeatedly built and collapsed. One night, it suddenly snowed heavily, and people and martial artists felt strange. In the early morning, a golden phoenix flew from the eastern sky, and the golden phoenix first circled over the willow forest for a while, and then flew back to Yongcheng. It roared with its head held high, straight into the clouds, and suddenly the wind stopped and the snow stopped, and the sky was full of light. In the brilliant light, Jin Feng stepped on the snow, walked in a square circle, flew to Liulin to drink the water of Liulin Spring, and then flew to the east where the sun rose in the bright sunshine. When Taishou learned of this, he personally inspected it and built the city on the footprints of the phoenix. Soon a new city stood majestically on the side of the old city. Later, Emperor Suzong of Tang succeeded to the throne in Yongcheng, and he ordered that Yongcheng be renamed "Fengxiang" according to the meaning of Jin Fengfei. In order to commemorate this event, people also renamed the water spring that the phoenix drank as "phoenix spring".

Bee drunken butterfly dance

  During the Tang Yifeng years, the official attendant Pei Xingjian sent the Prince of Persia back to China, and traveled to the vicinity of Tingzitou Village in Liulin Town, Fengxiang County, when it was Spring and March, when he suddenly found that the bees and butterflies on the side of the road fell to the ground and were lying on the ground, Pei Gong was very surprised, so he ordered the county guard to find out the reason, Fang knew that the old wine of Chen Tan in a winery in Liulin Town had just opened the altar, and its mellow and rich aroma drifted with the wind to Tingzitou Village, five miles southeast of the town, making the bees and butterflies drunk. Pei Gong was very surprised, and improvised a poem: "Send guests to the pavilion head, bees drunk butterflies do not dance, Sanyang Kai Guotai, beautiful willow forest wine." Fengxiang Gun Shou Sui gave a fine wine altar to Pei Shilang. After returning to the dynasty, Pei Shilang offered this wine to Emperor Gaozong, and the emperor drank it with great joy. Since then, Xifeng wine has been listed as the imperial wine of the Tang Dynasty.

Su Shi Yong wine

When the Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Dongpo was serving as the judge of Fengxiang's book signing, he invited friends to celebrate on the day of the completion of the Xiyu Pavilion in the present-day Fengxiang East Lake, "lifted the wine on the pavilion", drank Liulin fine wine, and left behind the world-famous "Records of the Xiyu Pavilion" after drinking, and praised liulin wine with the good sentence "Flowers bloom and wine are not drunk, come to see the cold and green of Nanshan", and there are still ink traces in Fengxiang East Lake. He also learned the art of brewing willow forest wine, "in recent days, the autumn rain is enough, and the public is trying a new kite." In the autumn when the grain harvest is harvested, it is tasted with a new wine vessel. After that, he wrote to the imperial court and proposed a set of measures to revitalize the Fengxiang wine industry, which was approved for implementation, so that Liulin wine and the entire Fengxiang wine industry could flourish vigorously, and Fengxiang became a well-known wine country in the country.

Cixi praised the wine

  In the late Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded Beijing, and Empress Dowager Cixi led her ministers and imperial court personnel to flee west to Chang'an (present-day Xi'an). At that time, the inspector of Shaanxi went to greet her, and set up a banquet for Empress Dowager Cixi to wash the dust and suppress the shock, and at the same time offered a special tribute to Xifeng fine wine. After tasting it, the empress dowager was amazed: "It is really worthy of jade liquid jelly!" "Afterwards, he gave it to the ministers to drink. To this day, people in the northeast and the Beijing and Tianjin areas still have a special love for Xifeng wine.

10 historical allusions to Xifeng How many have you heard of?

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