
They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

Wei Lihuang was born on February 16, 1892 in Weiyang Village, an eastern suburb of Hefei, Anhui Province. He joined the army at the age of fifteen, a guard of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and was one of the "Five Tiger Generals" of the Kuomintang, serving as commander of the First and Second World War zones and commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he became famous for commanding the Battle of Xinkou, and The Supreme Commander of the Japanese Invasion of China in North China, Kiyoshi Kazuki, called him a "Tiger General of China".

According to the saying that "behind a successful man there is always a woman who silently supports him", Wei Lihuang's achievements are inseparable from the support of his two wives.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

Don't "fight" don't know each other

In March 1927, Wei Lihuang led the 14th Division to garrison Zhenjiang, and the division headquarters occupied part of the school building of The Chongshi Girls' School in Zhenjiang. Every day, cars and horses come and go, officers and soldiers come and go, and there is a lot of noise, which seriously affects the students' classes. In addition, some officers and men pulled, used, and damaged school utensils indiscriminately, which made the teachers and students of the school very angry.

Ms. Zhu Yunheng, who was the president of the school at the time, was an orphan, with good character, smart and lovely since childhood, and studied angrily with the help of relatives and friends, and graduated from Denwell University in the United States.

Zhu Yunheng speaks fluent English and became friends with Ms. Song Meiling during her study in the United States. After Zhu Yunheng returned to China, she actively devoted herself to education. In order to safeguard the interests of teachers and students in the school, she angrily went to Wei Lihuang.

President Zhu saw that Wei Lihuang was calm and self-assured, rational and courageous, and talked about the great significance of educating and rejuvenating the country to the importance of military-civilian relations. Finally, she strongly demanded that Wei Lihuang immediately withdraw his troops from the school.

Wei Lihuang initially disagreed with the generous young woman, but was quickly persuaded by her. He admired Zhu Yunheng's knowledge and conversation very much, and immediately apologized, saying that he would immediately find another place to live and evacuate the school as soon as possible.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life


The next day, the troops evacuated the school and compensated the damaged items according to the price, and Wei Lihuang, in order to apologize, specially invited Principal Zhu to lunch.

Zhu Yunheng was very satisfied with the unexpected smoothness of the negotiations, and at the same time, he also had admiration for this famous battlefield general, so he gladly accepted the invitation.

Since then, the two have formed an indissoluble relationship.

A few days later, Zhu Yunheng also prepared a meal and invited Wei Lihuang to come to dinner to express his gratitude. You came and went, talked about the world, and developed a love for each other. Wei Lihuang had already reached the age of establishment, because he was busy with military affairs and did not yet have a wife; Zhu Yunheng was too busy with flowers and letters, and he was not yet married because he was busy with education.

After some interaction, the two got married in the winter of that year.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

Chinser and Chimes

Due to the decline of his family in his childhood, Wei Lihuang only attended private schools for a few years, and his education level was not high, and after joining the army, he deeply felt that his culture was insufficient, and he was determined to study hard. Zhu Yunheng received a good modern education and a good cultural foundation, so she took the initiative to help Wei Lihuang learn culture, learn foreign languages, and learn modern scientific knowledge, so that Wei Lihuang made rapid progress. The two respected each other, loved each other, and the eldest daughter Daoyun was born in 1930.

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wei Lihuang served as the commander of the First Theater and the chairman of Henan Province, stationed in Luoyang, and due to the urgency of the situation, Zhu Yunheng lived in Chengdu, Sichuan.

In October 1939, Wei Lihuang suddenly received the bad news of Zhu Yunheng's death, and immediately burst into tears. He reported to the authorities for approval and immediately rushed back to Chengdu to take care of the funeral for his beloved wife, in order to fulfill the love of husband and wife.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

"Miss Seven"

Wei Lihuang's step-wife, Ms. Han Quanhua, was originally from Tianjin and came from a famous family, and their combination also had a tortuous experience.

Han's ancestors engaged in maritime transport in Tianjin in their early years, with hundreds of ships, traveling between Tianjin, Yingkou, Dalian, Yantai, Longkou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Chaozhou, Shantou and Taiwan across the sea, as well as the ports of Korea and Japan, known as the "Tiancheng Hanjia", one of the "Eight Masters" of Tianjin Fujia.

Both Han Quanhua's great-grandfather and grandfather served as officials in Beijing. His father, Han Bopeng (Han Bopeng), whose name was Yao Zeng, was an alternate Dao, who had written a copy of Rong Lu, the governor of the Beiyang Government, and in the early years of the Republic of China, he served as an advisor to the Beiyang Government and the State Council, and Han Quanhua had nine brothers and sisters, and she was Miss Seven.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

Friends introduce acquaintances

On New Year's Day 1942, both Chiang Kai-shek and Kong Xiangxi invited Wei Lihuang to dinner in Chongqing, and Wei Lihuang chose a banquet at the Confucius Palace. It turned out that he had borrowed the invitation of Kong Xiangxi and Song Xialing and took the opportunity to meet Lady Sun Qingling, who also went to the banquet that night.

Because during the Guangdong period, Wei Lihuang served as a guard for Dr. Sun Yat-sen and was well taken care of by Soong Ching-ling. However, chiang was hated by Chiang Kai-shek, and his position as commander of the First Theater of Operations was soon abolished.

After that, Wei Lihuang lived idly in Chengdu, and after being introduced by a friend, he met Ms. Han Quanhua.

Han Quanhua is a woman with a strong sense of patriotism, musical attainment and cultural attainment. She is engaged in education, studied in the United States, obtained a master's degree, and she is a deep believer in Christianity and a loyal person. She admired Wei Lihuang's idea of resolutely resisting Japan and pursuing democracy, and the two were happy after marriage.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

"Singing with the Husband"

Another important contribution of Han Quanhua was to enable Wei Lihuang to stand on the united front of our party.

In November 1946, Wei Lihuang and his party of 4 people set off from Shanghai and traveled to the United States via Japan. In the spring of 1947, Wei Lihuang left the United States for Europe. When he arrived in England, his wife Han Quanhua wrote a letter to his nephew Wang Dezhao in France. Wang is the leader of China's progressive students studying in France and has secret ties to our party. After arriving in Paris, Wei Mi asked Wang Dezhao to go straight to the point as soon as they met, and asked him to contact our party as soon as possible.

The two men met and hated each other late, and Wei Lihuang wrote a telegram with the main content: "In order to end the Chinese civil war as soon as possible, I am willing to strive to cooperate with the Chinese Communists within my ability." Due to personal circumstances, I hope to keep it a secret. ”

Soon after, Wang Dezhao relayed to Wei Lihuang that the telegram had been transferred to the "relevant parties," and the other side hoped that Wei Lihuang would choose the opportunity to do something beneficial to the revolution.

They are two great women: one who has achieved Wei Lihuang's career, and one who has given it a new lease of life

In October 1947, Wei Lihuang was summoned by Chiang Kai-shek and together with Han Quanhua, he returned to Nanjing and stayed in his private apartment at No. 5 Shanghai Road. In 1949, Wei Lihuang and his wife ran away from Hong Kong.

In 1955, under the secret arrangement, Wei Lihuang and his wife went from Hong Kong to Guangzhou and then to Beijing, where they were warmly welcomed, and they successively served as vice chairman of the National Defense Commission and member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and died in Beijing due to illness in January 1960.

After Wei Lihuang's death, Han Quanhua was inevitably lost, thanks to his old friend Deng Ying-Chao often visited him, making him more spiritually happier. He died in 1985.


Zhu Yunheng and Han Quanhua are the two most important people in Wei Lihuang's life, the former has created his career, and the latter has chosen an important path for him to revitalize. They are worthy of being two great women, which is the luck of a lifetime for Wei Lihuang.

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