
Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

The descriptions of the civilian and military generals of the Three Kingdoms period have their own unique personalities and charms. For example, the famous Shu Han generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, one because of their arrogant personality, lost to the Eastern Wu Lü Meng, who was once despised, and the other because of their violent personality, beating the sergeant, and finally ended up with the fate of being killed by their own people. It can also be seen that the difference in personality also determines the choice of a person's fate.

The famous generals of the Three Kingdoms period all had a common characteristic, that is, they had to boast about their strength and achievements before facing the enemy, not only Guan Yu zhang fei, but also many famous generals such as the Xiahou brothers of the Wei Kingdom, Xu Chu, and many other famous generals, as well as Sun Jian and Sun Quan of the State of Wu, all had similar characteristics, and after becoming famous, they became more arrogant.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

There are also many famous generals who have a relatively low-key style of conduct, and what I want to talk about today is that in the Three Kingdoms period, there were three famous generals who had outstanding military achievements, but they were still relatively humble, and among these three famous generals, at least two of them could fight with Zhao Yun, the General of the Five Tigers, not only that, but their military ability was also very outstanding.

Liu Bei's original personal bodyguards were two, both of whom were very skilled in martial arts and both of whom were brave and good at war. One is the well-known Five Tiger General Changshan Zhao Zilong, while the other is Chen Zhi. Many people may not have heard of Chen Zhi's name, but in Liu Bei's many pro-conquest battles, he had his personal escort.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

Not only that, the Shu army troops trained by Chen Zhi were very strong in combat, and among the most elite vanguard troops of the Shu army there must be elite soldiers trained by Chen Zhi, and he was also a general with great leadership strength. It is said that in the Battle of Yiling at that time, it was precisely because of Chen's escort that Liu Bei escaped the pursuit of the Wu army and was finally able to garrison the White Emperor City.

The famous generals among the Shu Han Dynasty were actually not only Guan Zhang Zhao, but also many generals with strong military attainments, but because the popularity of the Five Tiger Generals was too great, their popularity became very low. It is said that in the Battle of Yemengguan at that time, Liu Bei led the main army to fight with Liu Zhang on the front line, leaving only a few hundred soldiers and horses of Huo Jun, a famous General of the Shu Han Dynasty at that time, and some old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers, and Liu Bei's intention in this move was to abandon Yemeng Pass.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

At that time, the soldiers and horses of Fu Ban and Xiang Cun planned to take advantage of this opportunity to break through Ye Meng Pass, and although Huo Jun did not have the advantage of soldiers and horses, he was still unwilling to give up Ye Meng Pass, and even planned to offset it with his life. Fu Ban spent a year with Huo Jun for this city, and Huo Jun's city pool only had a few hundred disabled veterans.

The allusion of "there is no general in Shu, Liao hua is a pioneer" must be familiar to everyone, this sentence is not a derogatory term to describe Liao Hua's poor strength, but really shows the level and strength of Liao Hua. Liao Hua was originally a general under Guan Yu, and because of his outstanding military achievements and outstanding performance, he gradually rose to the position of general.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

Liao Hua was a general who was very loyal to shu Han, and in many battles that followed Jiang Wei out of the Northern Expedition, he made great achievements and was the elite unit of Shu Han at that time. It also had a very great influence on the power of Cao Wei at that time, and was regarded as the main target of conquest by Cao Pi, the monarch of Cao Wei at that time, and sima Yi, the military master.

At the end of the Three Kingdoms period, one of Cao Wei's most prominent generals was None other than Wen Yi, who was highly skilled in martial arts, and there were rumors that his strength was enough to compete with Zhao Yun. However, this is only a folk rumor, because the ages of Wen Yi and Zhao Yun at that time were not on the same level at all, so the comparison was only to express the strength of Wen Yi.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

Wen Yi's most famous battle was the night attack on Sima Shi, when Wen Yi personally led his soldiers to Sima Shi's camp and directly caught Sima Shi by surprise. Before they had time to prepare for battle, Wen Yi's troops had already achieved their goal and ran away. This also made Sima Shi angry about this.

Later, Sima Shi led more than a dozen brave soldiers under him to charge and kill Sima Shi's thousands of large troops, killing hundreds of them, but he and his men were able to retreat completely. The reason why the folk compare Wen Yi with Zhao Yun is estimated to be to depict Wen Yi's "seven in and seven out" from this battle to Zhao Yun's Battle of Changshanpo.

Several of the most low-key generals of the Three Kingdoms have made great achievements, but few people know them

Conclusion: There are countless famous generals in the Three Kingdoms period who are not displayed in the vision of later generations, such as the famous generals of the Hezhou Assassin History at that time, Tian Yu and Zhao Zhao under Cao Wei, and Wang Ping, the famous generals of the Shu Han Dynasty, these people are all famous generals of the three kingdoms period who have outstanding military achievements, but because they are too low-key and their style of conduct is not so ostentatious, so that they are rarely circulated in later generations.

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