
Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

"A person with physical condition like me can overcome difficulties, and I believe that people who are more healthy than me have a better reason to be strong in life." This is a sentence from the introduction to Wang Tingde's book "The World Does Not Need to Look Up".

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

Born in 1981 in a rural family in Xunyang, Ankang, Wang Tingde became a muscular dwarf at the age of less than 1 year old due to high fever, and is still only 1.16 meters tall. Since his father died at an early age and his mother ran away from home, Wang Tingde was orphaned from an early age and raised by his neighbors. Eager for knowledge, he overheard the teacher's lecture outside the classroom of the village primary school, which touched the school authorities, so he got the opportunity to study for free. In order to buy learning utensils, the young Wang Tingde had to go up the mountain to dig up yellow ginger, chop wood, pull wild boar and hemp, and also sold instant noodles and photographed people...

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

After graduating from junior high school, Wang Tingde worked everywhere, but still did not give up writing, and in 2013, the autobiographical long-form documentary literature "The World Does Not Need to Look Up" was published by Northwest University Press in 2013, which caused great repercussions. As everyone knows, when writing this book, Wang Tingde was busy with various tasks, and he could only take time to write like squeezing toothpaste, and the bitterness and bitterness of it could only be experienced by himself...

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

The strong save themselves, and the sage purries others. As Li Huanlong, vice president of the Shaanxi Provincial Prose Literature Association, said, Wang Tingde, who is disabled, is not willing to become a cowardly person waiting for alms, and the unfortunate encounters in life do not make him resentful, but full of affection and write with a positive and optimistic attitude, making "This World Does Not Need to Look Up" become such a warm and warm book and such a bright and pure heart-nourishing work.

After the release of the book, it was well received by readers, commended by the Provincial Writers Association, the Provincial Charity Association, etc., and was listed as a high-quality book in Chinese universities, a national primary and secondary school library and a book with a farmhouse library, and he himself also ranked among the "Hundred Talents Plan" of literary and artistic creation in the province. Ankang City Library took his fans as the team, set up the "Wang Tingde Book Friends Association", for young people to carry out inspirational books, inspirational stories activities, since 2018 insisted on holding monthly reading sharing meetings and inspirational reports in urban and rural areas, only in primary and secondary schools held 110 "Wang Tingde Inspirational Reports", the audience reached more than 41,000 people. Due to the good effect of public welfare, the book has been printed 12 times since it was revised and republished in 2014, and it is still in short supply.

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!
Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

On December 11, in order to meet wang Tingde's needs for public welfare activities and inspirational reports, the Ankang Charity Association donated money to support him to reprint 1,000 copies of "The World Does Not Need to Look Up", worth 25,000 yuan. Cui Guanghua, president of the Ankang Charity Association, pointed out that the purpose of funding Wang Tingde to reprint this book is to carry forward the spirit of charity, set up an inspirational model, encourage self-reliance and self-improvement, and share great love among the world. Wang Tingde's ability to come to this day is the inheritance and development of the spirit of charity. At the same time, Cui Guanghua said that the Municipal Charity Association will pay further attention to Comrade Wang Tingde and take greater steps towards charity.

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

At the scene of the event, Wang Tingde presented books to the reading team such as the Ankang Weekend Reading Club, the Wang Tingde Book Friends Association, the Hanbin Junior High School Small Journalist Group, the Ankang Creation Research Base of the Shaanxi Provincial Prose Literature Association, and the book-scented units such as Yuankang Industrial Company and Fuhua Decoration Company. He told reporters: "I am very touched that the Ankang Charity Association can print my works, and in the days to come, I will go to more schools to share public welfare, which is also a kind of return to the charity association and the caring people from all walks of life." ”

Ankang disabled writer Wang Tingde lived up to his dreams, and his books inspired tens of millions of people!

Wang Tingde's life not only wrote the story of a disabled person who lived up to his dreams and changed his destiny, but also witnessed the warm love of countless caring people from all walks of life. Ankang has Wang Tingde and has its own story, a story that inspires countless people to live up to their dreams and witness countless warm feelings.

(Huashang Daily reporter Yan Wenqing editor Wu Ning)

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