
The love ending of Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman has made many people uncomfortable...

author:Wang Yi

The TV series "Years" is starring Hu Jun, Mei Ting, etc., and it makes people have a faint helplessness and pity after watching it!

The love ending of Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman has made many people uncomfortable...

The male protagonist is a graduate student named Liang Zhiyuan (played by Hu Jun), because of his real talent and practical learning, he was directly left in the Municipal Health Bureau organ by the leader as a key training object, and many people dream of a high starting point, but this is both his luck and his misfortune, especially the love between Liang Zhiyuan and Xiao Man is uncomfortable...

The love ending of Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman has made many people uncomfortable...


Cynicism is angry. Not accustomed to the life of the organs vying for power and profit and fighting with each other, very naïve, very willful, very high-minded, always acting arbitrarily for things that are not accustomed to, neither knowing how to respect the leadership, nor knowing how to get along with people, nor understanding the sophistication of people, so soon the leader was transferred from the office to the Chinese Medicine Society, which is jokingly called the Association for the Elderly in the organ, and sat on the cold bench.

Miss love. Liang Zhiyuan's first love Xu Xiaoman (played by Mei Ting), the two people are almost love at first sight, but because of Liang Zhiyuan's pedantic and high-mindedness when he first entered the organ, Xu Xiaoman abandoned it after many persuasions and help were ineffective, although she was reluctant to Liang Zhiyuan, when she heard that Liang Zhiyuan was going to get married, she still married Zhu Tao, a young customs director who liked herself, as quickly as possible.

Subvert the outlook on life. Liang Zhiyuan became a family, his wife became pregnant and had a child, and after repeated setbacks in his lover's troubled desire to move his job and the house was too small because of his big belly, and when he faced his wife's deep resentment buried in his heart because of the comparison with his peers in the same bureau, he had to start to re-examine his own height.

Luck is it

Meet mentors and friends. Liang Zhiyuan and Luo Qingshui, who has been sitting on the cold bench for many years because of the same situation, Liang Zhiyuan and Luo Qingshui, who also adhere to the principles of life, quickly became confidants, Teacher Luo was talented but had no desires, and His vision was Zhuo Qun but he was willing to be poor. All this makes Liang Zhiyuan very respectful. And later, in a mass planning collective whistleblowing activity, when Liang Zhiyuan decisively acted as a whistleblower for his previous most dismissive villain role, Luo Qingshui took the infamy for Liang Zhiyuan and even took the initiative to return to his hometown.

Lao Luo's influence on Liang Zhiyuan is not insignificant, as long as he thinks of Teacher Luo at any time, Liang Zhiyuan will always adhere to the bottom line of being a man and retain people's conscience!

Meet the most important woman in your life. When Liang Berri began to realize how his career path was going, Xu Xiaoman once again used his personal and husband's family background relationship to help Liang defeat his competitors. This is a kind of love from the heart, love that cannot be said for any reason, perhaps the more lost life is, the more it is worth cherishing, and even later when he was investigated by the Discipline Inspection Commission because of her husband's problem, I did not forget to hide the photo with Liang, which may be what people often say that everything about men is career, and everything about women is love, right? Just when they were further developing, Liang Zhiyuan decisively made the decision not to be too intimate in the future for the sake of the future, how painful Xu Xiaoman was in his heart, when Liang burned all the photos and love letters between the two of them. In fact, Liang is also very painful, people are actually really contradictory, the process of growing up we got some, maybe we will pay some price, when Liang Zhiyuan in Xu Xiaoman's eyes gradually became the person she wanted to be before, she found that she loved the past when the first love was simple, arrogant, and high Liang Zhiyuan. Instead of a Liang Zhiyuan who gave up his nature for the sake of his career. This can only make her more disappointed, because time cannot be turned back, and the years will never go back to the past.

The love ending of Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman has made many people uncomfortable...

Xu Xiaoman's confusion is also the confusion of many wives around him. When the husband is unhappy, he looks forward to him all day long, like a neighbor or classmate. Looking at her husband who comes home after work, just like Luo Qingshui's wife, the twelve-point annoyance on his face plus twelve-point dissatisfaction, the sneering and ironic are difficult to understand the regret in his heart, and he only hates his life. And once the husband becomes a person with a successful career and calls for the wind and rain, and spends all day socializing outside, it is rare for the family to be idle together, and perhaps in the face of the cold home is still endless complaints!

Be able to grasp the love when it comes, and don't let it pass by because of the small setbacks in life.

If we really miss it, we should not be depressed in painful memories, because I believe that the true love hidden in the heart is just as beautiful!

Overall, compared with our countless ordinary people, Liang Zhiyuan is lucky, because he not only met such a good leader as Director Wen and could become a leader in his career, but also when his life encountered ups and downs and unsmooths, he also had a mentor and friend like Luo Qingshui, and finally he also had a confidant like Xu Xiaoman, and it was precisely because of the love of these people that he was able to go with the flow and not be polluted despite the complex relationship between the organs, although he occasionally used some tricks and wrists, but it was rare to retain the principles and kindness of being a person. It is precisely because of the admonitions and reminders of these mentors and friends that he can show outstanding talent in the power struggle of the organs, and become the director of the health bureau and the youngest department-level cadre.

The love ending of Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman has made many people uncomfortable...

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