
Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm


Europe has not been peaceful recently, and with the deepening tensions between Russia and Ukraine, war could break out at any time. As the clouds of war pervade Europe, it is not Russia that is really feared, but the United States, Europe and Ukraine. Because Putin seems to be ready for a war, his opponents are beginning to feel the chill before the disaster.

Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm

According to the Global Times, Russia has deployed 50 tactical battalion-level units, about 115,000 to 120,000 people, in three directions in the east, south and north of Ukraine, and NATO has "sounded the battle alarm" and warned Moscow to stop pushing for an "invasion" of Ukraine. Russia, for its part, has prepared a newly tested hypersonic missile to prevent NATO from crossing the red line to deploy missiles in Ukraine.

Before that, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko also bluntly warned that if NATO dared to deploy nuclear weapons in its neighbors, he would recommend that Russian President Vladimir Putin deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus. In response to Lukashenko's remarks, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's response is profound: This is a warning issued by the Minsk side to NATO, and the consequences of this are entirely the responsibility of the Western provocative acts.

Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm

It is clear that in the face of aggressive provocations by Western military and political interests, Russia and Belarus have no intention of making compromises with the West on certain key issues, including the refugee crisis, as they wish. Therefore, the determination of Russia and Belarus to launch a military counterattack has made an arrogant West and its vassals feel afraid, so US Secretary of State Blinken recently held a telephone meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, and the discussion was to control the risk and avoid war.

In particular, Ukraine, which is the main battlefield of the European military confrontation crisis, is urgently calling for dialogue with Russia because it is afraid of incurring disaster. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy on Wednesday called on NATO to start a dialogue with Russia, according to the Global Network. Ukraine must tell the truth and say that we will not be able to end the war without direct dialogue with Russia, he said.

According to Ukrainian media reports, the Russian army has at least 50 battalion-level ground combat groups, about 120,000 people have entered the state of offensive line readiness, these mechanized troops equipped with 1200 tanks and 2900 infantry fighting vehicles have achieved a "closed encirclement" in three directions of Ukraine, just waiting for an order, aiming at the Ukrainian gun port at any time to fire.

Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm

No wonder Zelenskiy was frightened, for he seemed to have a premonition that if the situation were allowed to continue, a catastrophe might destroy the whole of Ukraine. The reason is that in the danger of war in Europe, Ukraine is not only the absolute protagonist of the entire tense military confrontation, but also the country that bears the greatest risk of war.

What is even more disappointing to the Kiev authorities is that even if the United States and NATO both say that they will always stand with Ukraine, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg has recently denied the possibility of allowing Ukraine to join NATO, and at the same time, Stoltenberg also stressed that NATO's fifth article on collective defense "does not apply to Ukraine", which is undoubtedly telling Zelenskiy that once beaten by Russia, do not expect the United States and NATO to save it.

Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm

In addition, the United States is the initiator of the war crisis in Ukraine, and its support for Ukraine is limited to words. Blinken recently claimed to have "evidence" that Russia had developed a "large-scale" attack plan against Ukraine, but his response was not to promise to send troops to protect Ukraine, but to threaten Russia with "the toughest sanctions to date." This is actually more telling of the fact that the United States is not willing to clash with Russia for the sake of Ukraine.

So, on the surface, Ukraine seems to have the "full support" of NATO and the European Union, but in fact it is in an unprecedented state of isolation. Russia's tough stance on the issue of The Russian-Ukrainian military standoff indicates that if Ukraine continues to act as Western anti-Russian cannon fodder, the Kremlin may "mistake and mistake" to teach it a little lesson, including naturally military strikes.

Surrounded on three sides by 120,000 troops, thousands of tanks on standby, the Russian army is ready to go to war, and NATO sounded the alarm

Against this backdrop, Zelenskiy has no choice but to appeal to Russia for direct dialogue if he wants to avoid the catastrophe of war in Ukraine. After all, if Kiev continues to charge at the forefront of Western anti-Russianism without realizing the danger, it may be likely to repeat the tragedy of the Crimea incident in 2014, that is, it was violently beaten by Russia and kicked away by Western masters.

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