
Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days

author:First military intelligence


The Pentagon recently concocted a "Global Posture Assessment, which is supposed to be planning two wars simultaneously in Asia and Europe. At the same time, the attitude of the United States towards China and Russia has become more aggressive, and various provocations have continued. But the US think tank believes that if it is really necessary to start with China and Russia, the AMmunition of the US Air Force will support it for at most a week, or even not enough.

Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days

(US Think Tank Report)

According to media reports, the U.S. Air Force think tank Michelle Aerospace Research Institute released a report that to fight with China and Russia, the U.S. Air Force must rely on weapons outside the defense zone, that is, weapons such as the AGM-158 series missile system, according to the US media, the United States can obtain more than 6,000 such missiles in fiscal year 2025. However, if you face an opponent of the same level as China and Russia, these ammunition is not enough to see, once the conflict breaks out, up to 8.5 days, it will run out of ammunition, which still does not consider the escalation of the opponent's defense capabilities. The air defense capabilities of China and Russia are definitely improving, so the actual situation may be that the US Air Force cannot carry it for a few days.

Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days


The top brass of the US Air Force also claimed that the "duel at the same level" would lead to a shortage of ammunition supply for the US military, in fact, even against ordinary militants, the US military has also encountered the problem of insufficient ammunition. So U.S. Air Force Secretary Kendall was advised to procure cheap ammunition that cost no more than $300,000, while the $700,000 AGM-158 missile system must be "good steel on the blade." In addition, the Tomahawk cruise missile, which costs more than $1 million, is stockpiled as much as possible for use when "unforeseen". However, U.S. weapons are inherently expensive, and if costs are reduced, they may affect ammunition performance. Moreover, the Pentagon's rampant stockpiling of ammunition is essentially cheapening arms dealers.

Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days

(Tomahawk cruise missile system)

Gen. Hayten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has also previously claimed that the U.S. military should avoid war with China and Russia, which he believes will trigger a nuclear conflict and spread into a global catastrophe. But Hayten did not forget to continue to clamor for the so-called "Sino-Russian threat" and asked the US military to improve the efficiency of equipment development and "catch up" in upgrading weapons.

Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days

in Kendal

Kendall himself has threatened to make China feel "scared" by upgrading F-35 fighter jets and other means. The Chinese side responded to Kendall by asking the Chinese Air Force for its opinion. The Air Force spokesman has made it clear that Chinese soldiers will not be afraid of hardship or death. Wang Wei, deputy commander of the Air Force, has clearly warned some foreign counterparts that if they are really not afraid, then the big deal is to see each other again in the clouds.

Is the United States going to war in Asia and Europe at the same time? Think tank poured cold water: In the face of China and Russia, the air force lasted up to 8 days

(Chinese Air Force)

In history, China and the United States have had confrontations, and the United States has not taken advantage of it at all, and the fiasco of the United States in afghanistan and other battlefields shows a fact, that is, it is out of the ordinary. Even if the United States sits on such a big advantage, it will end in a fiasco, let alone the modern Sino-Russian military forces? The United States obviously has no advantage, but it has to hype up the war crisis, which makes people have to question the true intentions of the United States. Facts have proved that China and Russia are the stabilizers of world peace and development, and a person like the United States who has done nothing all day to stir up trouble is fundamentally the biggest destabilizing factor causing world turmoil.


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