
Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

author:Kaimori Hobby Station

If there is such a cow, it can grow 3 pounds of meat a day. The meat is still very tender and delicious, would you like to taste such beef?

The most different thing about most cows is that this cow is a body of tendon meat. The life span of ordinary cattle is 20 to 30 years, but the life of this cow is quite short, and when it is born, it is quite robust.

But although this cow is large, the grass it eats is worth the money compared to the meat he grows, and only 20 pounds of concentrated hay is enough for the cow to grow 3 pounds of meat. The full name of such cattle is called the Belgian Blue Bull.

Hybridization of cattle and donkeys can produce mules, and there are so many surprises that hybrid animals bring people, and the Belgian blue bull is such a hybrid species.

Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

He was a cattle produced after the crossbreeding of native Belgian cattle and Shorthorn cattle from England. It is because of his tendon meat that many farmers will joke that this is the bodybuilding champion of the cattle world.

In the face of the strong muscles of the Belgian blue bull, many experts and scholars will speculate that this must be generated by injection of drugs or hormones, otherwise how can a cow grow so many muscle groups.

But the most unexpected thing for experts and scholars is that the Belgian Blue Bull is not actually the product of human injections in order to get more beef.

His tendon meat is attributed to his body itself, precisely because of the lack of a muscle suppressor in the Belgian Blue Bull's body. It is the lack of this substance that makes the Belgian Blue Bull grow muscles even when it sleeps, and it grows into a hill when it grows.

Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

Muscle suppressors in animal bodies is a balance between muscle groups and fat, if the lack of muscle suppressors, the body's fat will become difficult to control the growth of muscle.

There are many protein genes in the body of animals, and if there is too much muscle suppressor in the body, it will even lead to accelerated death of animals. Myosuppressin acts like a mediator directing traffic, maintaining a balance of protein genes and muscle hormones.

However, it is precisely because of the lack of this muscle suppressor that the muscles of the Belgian Blue Bull continue to grow. Originally, the Belgian Blue Bull's physical condition was not as outrageous as it is now, and before it was a cow used to milk cows and make meat products.

It is precisely because of the size of the Belgian Blue Bull. Many Europeans have appreciated it after seeing it, and there are endless streams of Europeans who have specially traveled to Belgium to buy this kind of cattle.

However, the shortage of supply and demand has made it difficult for Belgian farmers, who have said that they must find a way to breed this cattle into beef cattle.

Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

It is precisely because of this high demand that the Belgian Blue Bull has completely embarked on the road of being bred into beef cattle, and they have specially found well-known experts to formulate a plan for them, and later the experts have found it. By blocking the genome of Belgian blue cattle, they can successfully transform into beef cattle.

The muscle groups of Belgian cattle are mainly distributed in their waists, hips and shoulders. It is the large muscle mass in these areas that makes the Belgian Blue Bull look as strong as a hill.

The most essential difference between the Belgian blue bull and the ordinary beef cattle is that his muscles occupy most of the entire body, its muscle mass is 18% to 20% more than other cattle, the bones are correspondingly reduced by 10% because of the size of the muscle group, and the fat volume is only 30% higher.

It is precisely because its fat content is much more than that of ordinary cattle, which leads to a high fat protein content of the Belgian Blue Bull, but a low cholesterol.

The consequence of this content is that the meat quality of this cow will appear particularly tender when people taste it. It is precisely because of the delicate muscle fibers that the Belgian Blue Bull is wildly sought after by beef lovers all over the world.

Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

The most special thing about this kind of cow is that its beef quantity is very large and the cost is very low. It is also because the delicious taste of this genetically modified GM has caused the number of consumer groups to climb all the way.

For these beef-loving countries in Europe and the United States, the Belgian Blue Bull is simply a great news, after the Belgian Blue Bull's genes were modified, meat products were exported to Canada and the United States and other regions of the beef high-consumption countries.

China's population base is large, and the demand for beef and mutton is also very high. Belgium is undoubtedly a good choice for selling to our country.

The reason why our country does not introduce Belgian Blue Bull is actually very simple. Belgian Blue Bull in the embryonic stage, because of the innate genetic reasons the volume is different from ordinary cattle, their volume occupies most of the space in the cow's belly.

Cows give birth when the hip muscles are squeezed to form a very narrow birth canal. As soon as the birth canal became narrow, this led to difficulties in the production of Belgian Blue Cattle.

Many cattle die in the process of production due to difficult childbirth, and the cost of breeding belgian blue cattle has become very high in the long run. Later, the Belgian Blue Bull made a major innovation in the way of production, that is, caesarean section.

Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China
Schwarzenegger in beef cattle, three pounds of meat a day, the meat is delicate and delicious, why not introduce in China

Belgian Blue Bulls have only a 10% chance of reaching a smooth birth during the production process, and the high mortality rate has become a big challenge for Belgian Blue Bulls. It is precisely because of the need for manual midwifery or caesarean section that the cost of breeding in Belgian blue cattle has doubled several times.

Not only because of the high production costs, but also because of congenital genetic diseases. After the calves are produced, a very professional breeding team is required to raise them. If one is not careful, the cubs of the Belgian Blue Bull will unfortunately die.

It is precisely because of the high cost of breeding and this congenital genetic disease that China has not chosen to introduce, in fact, for genetically modified animal food has always made the Chinese people less assured.

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