
Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

author:Vivian little tailor

Hello, everyone, I'm Vivian.

Since the last time the classmates met the "girlfriend" of the first love "boyfriend", in addition to admiring her trench coat wearing that day, Xiaobian also paid great attention to her well-maintained smooth and tender skin, which really made the classmates cast infinite envy of the eyes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! (including editor)

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

When the editor has an incomparably envious gaze, the Japanese screen goddess Nakatani Miki, now 45 years old still maintains a young and beautiful appearance, from temperament to appearance state, the face is almost the same as twenty years ago, the sweet smile has more of an indifference and calmness, showing her intellectual and elegant temperament, beauty as ever, it is probably a goddess like Miki Nakatani ~ ~ ~ ~

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Speaking of beauty as before, I have to mention the young Nakatani Miki, who debuted as a teenage girl idol group, with her beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, was known as "the last beautiful girl in Japan in the 20th century". After she was thirty years old, her mysterious temperament washed away her lead, and her natural and elegant style became her best synonym.

"It's not the most dazzling, but it's always unnoticed."
Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

He has worked as a model, worked as a singer, and in 2007, he played the role of Matsuko in the movie "The Life of the Nasty Matsuko", which left a deep impression on the audience and was loved by many fans. Although she is now 45 years old, her skin is still tight and delicate, white and smooth, and she can be said to be a hall-level "frozen age goddess". Age, for her, is just a number.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

It is precisely because of this, from her debut to the present, decades of self-discipline are naturally inseparable from the small secret of frozen age that she has insisted on for many years, which has amazed everyone (let Xiaobian can't wait to stay up late to share her exclusive skin care tips).

That's right! After digging deeper, the 45-year-old Miki Nakatani revealed in an interview with the TV show "Inside The Big News" that in order to maintain good skin, she has been adhering to the anti-sugar diet for many years, which is her only taboo.

Usually do not eat sweets at all, so as not to make the skin look dull and dull.

Do not eat any sugar-sweetened foods (including drinks and all foods that contain sugar).

Insist on cooking your own ingredients and avoid consuming too much sugar to darken your skin (she believes sugar is the "enemy" of whitening skin).

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Anti-sugar, the last issue of Xiaobian also shared his skin care experience with you. If you usually pay attention to women in skin care and beauty, you should be familiar with the skin care tips of the anti-sugar diet, such as "skin glycation" will make people's skin pores become enlarged, dull and yellow skin tone, acne, acne, obesity and ugliness and a series of skin problems.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Tips: Anti-sugar ≠ sugar breaker. It is recommended to eat less foods containing processed sugars and avoid the production of AGEs in the cooking process, which causes the oxidation of collagen and elastin, thereby accelerating skin aging. In addition, it is recommended to choose more coarse grain materials, reduce the intake of polished rice noodles, and at the same time, with a reasonable amount of exercise, the effect is better (Xiaobian has just insisted on more than two years, and has benefited a lot).

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

In addition to anti-sugar, Miki Nakatani also revealed that she attaches great importance to the balance of nutrition in three meals a day, especially the internal and external conditioning and maintenance method, which is the secret of her skin care maintenance. (Sure enough, even if the lens is shot at a very close distance, the skin is still smooth and delicate, with zero pores and flawless beauty muscle seconds to kill the popular young flower "biubiubiu" ~ ~ ~ )

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Insist on eating two eggs a day (Nakatani believes that protein is an important source for maintaining muscle strength and skin texture).

Fix daily supplements with enough protein-containing meat foods, plus appropriate exercise.

Regarding the appearance value, Nakatani Miki has always maintained its own persistence and method in skin care maintenance, through balanced diet, from the inside to the outside to maintain the excellent state of the frozen age value, properly a frozen age value counterattack to become the "immortal goddess", it can be said that from a young age purely rely on God to appreciate the food to eat.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Tips: Girls who want to pass the diet conditioning and maintenance method, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, because most of the fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, and eating more can also effectively help remove free radicals from the skin, from the inside out to play the role of diet conditioning and skin care. For example, tomatoes, cauliflower, bell peppers, dark leafy vegetables, bitter melons, citrus, grapefruit, apples, grapes, kiwi fruits, fresh dates and so on.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

For Miki Nakatani, the key to her maintenance is to enjoy the space alone and meditate at the right time.

In an interview, Miki Nakatani revealed herself:

"No matter how busy she is, she will insist on taking 5 minutes of time, then close her eyes and meditate, relax and release stress through meditation and time alone with herself, readjust the tiredness in daily life, combine work and leisure, and enhance personal charm."
Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Tips: Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and strive for more space every day to calm yourself down. Keep your state of mind calm and full of positive energy; from the inside out, create a healthy and positive mindset, a good mindset can maintain healthy and youthful skin.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

In an interview, Miki Nakatani mentioned that she spends half of her year in a small villa in Austria, and when she is temporarily away from work, she reveals that she is very keen to get in touch with nature, and through living there, she has developed a very good habit:

Go to bed at about 11 o'clock every night, even if you don't set an alarm, wake up the next morning around 7 o'clock on time, and keep taking a nap every day, keep enough sleep, and feel that your skin is getting better and better. (It seems that no matter how good the skin care products are, they are not as effective as maintaining enough sleep)

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Saying goes:

"Stay up the night and apply the most expensive mask."

Lack of sleep and staying up late are often one of the reasons why the skin is loose, aging and ugly. Because staying up late is the biggest impact on the human endocrine, endocrine disorders are also the biggest "killer" of the skin, in addition to slowly making your skin slowly become more and more dull, pores are enlarged, but also accelerate the aging of skin cells, so that the skin becomes loose and fine lines and other issues.

Nakatani Miki's appearance state is absolute, 45 years old with zero pores and skin on the hot search, beautiful is not like words

Decades of insisting on doing the value of the face is still the same, so that the editor has to admire:

"Age is a mystery, and the face is invincible."

Well, today's skin care tips are shared here, good skin youthfulness, snow white skin and muscles can not be separated from the daily adherence to the skin care tips.

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