
How many eggs a day is good? Do you eat egg yolks? Finally know the reliable answer


"This half a month the chickens don't know how, refuse to lay eggs, the children have to buy eggs to eat during this time..."

"Don't lay any more eggs, sell them all in a few days, buy a few more and come back." It doesn't matter if we eat or not, especially if you have three highs, the children don't have to buy some chickens at home, and they can eat at home more assured, and the nutrition is better."

Last week I went to my grandmother's house and heard my grandmother and grandfather talk like this, and then I told them that in fact, they can eat, and the elderly need to eat, and there are benefits.

But Grandma shook her head, she said that she has three high, or eat less as well, usually she also eats, but do not eat egg yolk, so the impact will be much smaller. I told her that throwing away the yolk is equivalent to throwing away most of the nutrients, which seems to have no effect on cholesterol, but it does not get any benefits.

How many eggs a day is good? Do you eat egg yolks? Finally know the reliable answer

She did not think so, thinking that eating egg yolks would cause cholesterol to rise, how is this statement believed by many people?

In fact, it is related to rabbits, more than a hundred years ago, Russian researchers found that after feeding rabbits, it caused atherosclerosis. After this, the idea that eating egg yolks is not good has gradually emerged, and some countries have also imposed restrictions on the intake of cholesterol in the national diet.

However, about the cholesterol in it, in fact, it is not so terrible, the impact on rabbits and people is not the same, because for the human body, the body itself will synthesize, the content obtained from food is actually not much, but rabbits eat grass, from the diet will not get, so after feeding them will have a relatively large impact.

In addition, with the continuous deepening of research, this statement has gradually lacked strong evidence, but more and more studies have found that it is not only related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also has a certain protective effect to a certain extent. For example, the team of Fuwai Hospital in China found that for adults, eating 3 to 6 per week is conducive to improving blood lipid metabolism in the body, and this result is not affected by obesity and other factors.

How many eggs a day is good? Do you eat egg yolks? Finally know the reliable answer

In recent years, many countries have also lifted restrictions on dietary cholesterol intake, including China.

Therefore, when you eat, there is no need not to eat egg yolks, it is recommended to eat together, do not just see cholesterol, in fact, there are many other nutrients in it, such as lutein, calcium, vitamin A, B, etc., which have a certain protective effect, as long as they are not overeaten.

So, how many times a day is better to eat?

Generally speaking, for normal adults, it is better to eat one a day, and occasionally eat 2-3 a day is no problem. Specifically eat a few good every day, depending on the person, according to their age, physical condition, nutritional needs and other factors, the following gives more reliable advice to everyone:

Healthy people: It is better to eat 1 a day.

Children: It is better to eat 5-7 per week, remind parents not to overdose to their children, because the child's digestion ability is not very strong, eating too much is easy to affect.

People with abnormal physical indicators or who already have heart disease: it is recommended to eat no more than 1 per day.

How many eggs a day is good? Do you eat egg yolks? Finally know the reliable answer

People with high protein needs, such as people with a lot of exercise and pregnant women, can eat 1-2 a day.

When eating, it is recommended that everyone eat all of them and do not discard the yolks.

However, perhaps even so, some friends are still worried, think that compared with it, it is safer to eat quail eggs or duck eggs, so which of these eggs is more nutritious?

In fact, whether it is eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs, or ostrich eggs, the types of nutrients in them are not much different in nature, and the content is not much different, the reason why the price is high or low, in fact, there is a certain relationship with the amount of production and the cost of breeding. So there is no need for everyone to just look at the price choice, not the more expensive it is, the better. Take the egg, it is also recommended that you do not believe in the local eggs, compared with the foreign nutrition is almost the same.

Instead of tangling with which problem to eat, in fact, it is more critical to master a reasonable way of eating, it is not recommended that you eat raw directly, not only because there may be residual bacteria, the protein inside is not easy to be absorbed and digested by the human body, nor is it recommended to drink raw egg white, the substances inside it will hinder the absorption of protein.

How many eggs a day is good? Do you eat egg yolks? Finally know the reliable answer

In various ways to eat, it is recommended that everyone cook better, cook for 8-10 minutes, eat better. There may be some elderly friends will use boiling water to drink, but it is not very recommended that everyone eat this way, from a safety point of view, there may be a risk of infection with bacteria, if you like, remind everyone to ensure that the water is just boiled, choose itself can be eaten raw better.

In summary, some of the entanglements and doubts about eating eggs, I believe that everyone sees that this already knows the answer, eating several a day is the best, according to their own situation, in general, it is recommended to one a day, and do not give up the yolk.

Resources: [1] How many eggs a day is best? Is egg whites good or egg yolks good? A picture to understand the things that eat eggs". New Fujian.2021.01.13 [2] How many eggs a day is good? Can egg yolks be eaten? One to make it clear to you". Dr. Lilac.2020.07.22 [3] Eating eggs improves lipid metabolism!" The "amount" suitable for Chinese is this". Life Times.2021.06.24

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