
When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

author:54 in the middle of the day

In the long road of life, people will inevitably encounter adversity or difficulties, whenever this happens, how will you get rid of it? Here are two stories about how the French military and statesman Napoleon was relieved of adversity and predicament, which may inspire you.

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

How to get out of the predicament concept map

Please listen to the breakdown in detail below.

First, the confident Corsican short man breaks through adversity

This is a story that happened when Napoleon was studying at the Royal Junior Officers School in Brienne in eastern France: after entering the school, the classmates looked down on this small man from Corsica (Napoleon's height as an adult was only 1.66 meters), especially if Napoleon also had a Corsican accent, which would cause laughter as soon as he exited. This greatly damaged Napoleon's self-esteem.

In the face of his classmates' ridicule of his "physical defects", Napoleon's first measure was to build up his self-confidence, he said: "These young masters with a few stinky money in their pockets think that if they have money, they can mock others and bully others, I will never give in to these noble clowns, I want them to taste how strong my fists are, let them know that I cannot be bullied!" ”

Therefore, whenever he could not bear it, Napoleon had to wave his fist to get out of the suffocation that was held in his chest. Every fight involved him alone against several people, and as a result, although he was beaten by everyone, his nose was blue, his eyes were swollen and scarred, he was a winner.

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

Young Napoleon

Of course, a key trick for Napoleon to cope with this adversity was to use his tenacious character and studious momentum to win the recognition and praise of teachers and classmates. With the passage of time, people began to gradually understand the "inner charm" of this short Corsican man, and Napoleon also overcame the hostility of his classmates with a strong will and a spirit of diligence and studiousness, and he gradually established a friendship with everyone. He was later hailed as a "Spartan man."

In the autumn of 1784, Napoleon graduated with honors from the Military Academy brienne and was sent to the best military school in France, the Royal Academy of Officers in Paris. The corsican short Napoleon, with self-confidence and excellent academic performance, finally cracked the adversity caused by his "physical defects". Let his future shine brightly.

Second, strive to solve the dilemma according to reason

In September 1785, Napoleon successfully passed the graduation examination of the Royal Academy of Officers in Paris, was awarded the rank of second lieutenant at the age of 16, and reported to the Laver Artillery Regiment stationed in the city of Valence on November 3 of that year, and officially stepped into the French military circles and became a young and promising officer.

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

Young officer Napoleon

Because of Napoleon's later extraordinary performance at the Battle of Toulon, his outstanding military prowess was appreciated by the military, and he was first promoted to brigadier general and soon appointed artillery commander of the Expeditionary Italian Legion. Just as he was preparing to continue to show his skills on the new battlefield, the great changes in the political situation in France knocked him into the cold palace.

On 27 July 1794, the Thermidorians, who opposed the Jacobins, staged a coup d'état (Thermidorian Coup) in Paris. The Jacobins, led by Robespierre, were overthrown and sent to the guillotine. Brigadier General Napoleon, who had just been appointed commander of artillery, was also implicated and was arrested and imprisoned on August 9 in a castle in Hônéb.

Faced with this sudden predicament, Napoleon's attitude was that he would never accept the harsh reality in front of him. He wondered: Why did the little flame of hope that had just been lit suddenly extinguished? Why do those who shout "freedom, equality, fraternity" take up arms at this time and target the unarmed civilian population? Did my Napoleon's life end like this?

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

Confident Napoleon

Thinking of this, Napoleon was no longer silent, and he decided to defend freedom and challenge fate. He wrote a complaint to the authorities: "Is it normal for you to imprison a general who believes in revolutionary principles and heroically participates in the battle against the enemy at home?" Is this fair? Is this consistent with your shouts of fighting for the Republic? Can you just abandon a warrior who is loyal to the Republic? ”

After receiving his complaint, the court had no choice but to conduct a detailed investigation into the situation before and after Napoleon's arrest. A thorough and careful search of his residence and careful screening of the documents he had signed resulted in no "incriminating evidence" of Napoleon being found.

General Salichetti, who was in charge of the investigation, wrote in the investigation report: "Napoleon was an unusual man, his military talent was unmatched by no one today, and he was a commander that we are difficult to obtain today." On August 20, Napoleon was acquitted and released.

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

Talented commander Napoleon

In this way, Napoleon not only successfully relieved himself of his predicament through reasoning, but also made his military ability further recognized by the state.

Third, the author's feelings:

Two stories of the French military scientist and politician Napoleon successfully liberated from adversity and predicament inspire us: when you encounter adversity or predicament, there is no need to be nervous and afraid, you can learn from Napoleon's approach, first build self-confidence, believe that you have the ability to get rid of them; second, you must use practical actions to prove your ability, in order to seek the understanding of others, so as to obtain a happy ending; finally, if you are unfairly treated or misunderstood, you should argue with reason, with reasonable, Legitimate speech to correct injustices to oneself.

I hope that you can refer to the above methods, learn to sail against the current, get rid of various adversities and difficulties in life, and finally successfully reach the other shore of your expectations.

When you encounter adversity or difficulties, how to get out of it, take a look at Napoleon's approach

Success concept diagram

This article is original by "Such As Day Zhongtian 54", welcome to pay attention, learn together, and make progress together!

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