
NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

author:Absolutely military

According to the Global Times, NATO foreign ministers have convened a rare meeting in Latvia to discuss the war between Ukraine and Russia. The meeting mainly had two topics, one was to provide more military support to Ukraine, and the other was to strengthen NATO's military strength in the eastern region. Recently, NATO has been hyping up the war between Russia and Ukraine, judging from the behavior of the organization, which is to force Russia to fight with Ukraine.

Previously, NATO's hype mainly stayed at the verbal level, that is, shouting and shouting. Recently, something has not gone wrong, with NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg running to Lithuania to warn Russia. Subsequently, NATO foreign ministers gathered in Latvia. Most crucially, there was also a non-member state invited to the conference, that is, Ukraine.

NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

NATO pays lip service to Russia to fight Ukraine, why has it been making a fuss in the Baltic states? Because in addition to Ukraine, NATO has another target – Belarus. Now the situation in Belarus is more tense, and NATO troops have surrounded Belarus. Lithuania and Latvia, two countries that border Belarus and Russia at the same time, while Estonia, which is relatively far from Belarus, has allegedly sent troops into Lithuania.

Judging from NATO's moves, the war between Russia and Ukraine is only the first step, and their real intention is to invade Belarus. The reason for bringing Ukraine to the meeting is not to worry about what to do if Ukraine is beaten, the so-called Ukraine issue may be a cover-up, and NATO's main purpose is to further encircle Belarus.

NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

At present, a large number of military camps have been established on the border between Lithuania and Poland, which can accommodate tens of thousands of soldiers according to Russian estimates, and has blocked the northwest of Belarus, and if Ukraine can cooperate, NATO can further encircle Belarus. As a result, Russia's situation is very bad. Russia must keep Belarus and at the same time take care of Ukraine, and the situation is not optimistic.

NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

At the time of the NATO meeting, Ukraine had begun to send troops to the eastern region, and it was said that half of Ukraine's troops were sent to the eastern region, which was obviously to further provoke Russia. In the face of Western smear, Russia has always exercised restraint and has been explaining that it has no intention of invading Ukraine, never thought so, and is unlikely to do so. In the case of Russia's failure to set up, Ukraine's role is reflected, NATO can let Ukraine provoke the war in Eastern Ukraine and pull Russia into the water.

NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

German media bluntly said that NATO and Russia have reached the brink of war. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but NATO has been hyping up Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, and the ultimate goal is not to provoke the Russian-Ukrainian war, but the war between NATO and Russia. NATO wants to take ukraine and Belarus all at once.

NATO and Russia at war? German media said that the two sides have reached the brink of war, and the situation is not optimistic

Considering ukraine's eager look, the possibility of the situation getting out of control is very high, and Russia has its own interests and cannot watch the West toss and turn. As for the West, it is forced by the integration of Russia and Belarus, and if it does not intervene again, the degree of Integration between Russia and Belarus will continue to deepen, and it will be powerless to change at that time. Therefore, the possibility of a war is still very high.

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