
The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

author:Qin Shiming moon flat
The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

Statue of Zhu De in Zhude Square, Tianxinxu, Anyuan County


On November 9, 2021, he arrived in Tianxin Town, Anyuan County, Gannan Province, Jiangxi Province, with the Hainan "Special Zone Writers Old District Tour". In the early winter in the mountains of Gannan Province, it is quiet, and occasionally birds fly overhead. The clouds floated in pairs in the clear blue sky, and my thoughts suddenly came to the turbulent year of 1927 94 years ago. It is the wind and thunder that are as fierce as yesterday, and the ideal and pride are still in the ears!

It was Zhu De who led the remnants of the Nanchang Uprising to reorganize the Tianxin Army here, reorganize, and restore confidence, and an 800-person contingent, including Lin Biao, Chen Yi, Su Yu, and other founding generals, set out from here to Jinggangshan, where they met with the Autumn Harvest Uprising troops led by Mao Zedong.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

Renovated the gate of the Tianxin Whole Army Exhibition Hall


1927 was an extraordinary year. On the one hand, the Kuomintang reactionaries violated Sun Yat-sen's three major policies of "uniting with Russia, uniting with the Communist Party, and supporting peasants and workers," carried out white terror against dissidents, and raised a butcher's knife to the revolutionary masses. On the other hand, according to the decision of the CENTRAL Committee of the Communist Party of China, more than 30,000 people in the Northern Expedition led by the Central Committee of Former Enemies headed by Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting, Liu Bocheng, and others resisted the armed counter-revolution with armed revolution. On August 1, an armed uprising was held in Nanchang, firing the first shots at the Kuomintang reactionaries.

The sound of gunfire in the Nanchang uprising greatly shook the sensitive nerves of the Kuomintang top brass, and the enemy quickly adjusted its deployment and formed a siege of the rebel troops. In order to preserve the strength of the enemy and the weakness of the enemy, the rebel army withdrew from Nanchang from August 3 to 6 and moved to the Border of Gansu and Guangdong. It means to take the East River first, then take Guangzhou to establish a base area, and then carry out the Northern Expedition. Due to the sweltering heat along the way of the southern expedition, without the proper supplies and rest, the advance was very difficult, almost passing through the cracks of the enemy army that was frantically pressing. The main force of the rebel army had no mountains to rely on in the Chaoshan area and suffered heavy losses. The 9th Army and the 25th Division, which remained at Sanheba in Tai Po, Guangdong Province, were cut off from the enemy and fought a bloody battle with the strong enemy Qian Dajun on October 3 for three days and nights, and finally suffered more than half of the casualties due to the disparity in strength, and were forced to retreat to Fujian. The main force of the rebel army, led by Zhu De and Chen Yi, and a part under the command of Zhou Shidi, withdrew from Chaoshan and marched west along the borders of Fujian, Guangdong, and Gansu.

Anyuan County Tianxin Wei, east of Huichang, Xunwu, west of Xinfeng, north of Ganxian County, is the Yangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin between the throat passage and traffic fortress.

After a difficult battle, he arrived in Tianxinwei, Anyuan County on October 21, 1927. At that time, the various departments of the rebel army not only lost contact, but more importantly, lost contact with the higher-level party organizations, the situation was very complicated, the army was confused in ideology, and the organization and discipline were poor. Due to the continuous marching, hunger and cold, some soldiers fled halfway. The local people, on the other hand, were intimidated by negative propaganda and intimidation, fearing contact with the rebel forces. In order to cope with the enemy's pursuit, the rebel army urgently needed the support and cooperation of the masses, and urgently needed supplies and recuperation. It is necessary to go deep among the masses to do propaganda so as to establish a glorious image of the people's army among the masses. At this time, Comrade Zhu De had a plan for the whole army brewing in his mind.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

In order to calm the people's minds, Zhu De ordered the troops not to enter the town of Wei, but to camp on the river beach, and declared discipline not to disturb the residents and not to infringe on the interests of the masses. And humorously said: "Just use the clear riverbed large bathtub to take a bath and wash, cut hair and trim beard, and refresh the revolutionary spirit." While sending fighters to paint propaganda slogans, such as "The revolutionary army is for the people," "Down with the warlords," "Down with the local tyrants and inferior gentry," and "Seeking benefits for the masses of workers and peasants," he mobilized officers and men to do good deeds for the masses. Despite the shortage of medicines in the troops, hygienists were dispatched to see the masses and administer medicines, and soldiers were arranged to clean the polders and help with farm work. Zhu De took the lead and picked up fifteen quintals of water for the three peasant families in one go. When people hear about the good things that the troops have done, people change their minds. The masses who had been hiding and did not dare to show their faces came out one after another to approach the troops, and many people also brought chai rice and vegetables.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

The writers of the Special Administrative Region watched the old district wind collection group take a group photo at the Tianxin Whole Army Memorial Square

At this time, Zhu De wasted no time in dealing a key blow to the local local tycoons and inferior gentry, giving anger to the victimized masses, and also giving relief to the poor residents with some property, and the masses were very moved. After calming the masses, Zhu De turned to soldier work, appeasing the shaken military morale and boosting morale.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

Our group came to a large banyan tree by the Tianxin River in Tianxin Town. This big banyan tree, with its lush foliage and tens of meters high, witnessed this magnificent period with the Tianxin River.

According to the local people's legend, Zhu De gathered a team under this big banyan tree to start a speech in the whole army, and the thick branches and huge canopy-like body of the big banyan tree recorded the face of history and also solidified the revolutionary storm of the past.

We are like pilgrims, as if gently pushing open a heavy door of history, the past pours into our arms like a tide, and the story of the wind and dust that has been obscured by wind and dust for 94 years begins to come to life in front of our eyes.

On the afternoon of October 22, 1927, Zhu De, a former senior general of the Dian Army, the future commander-in-chief of the Red Army, and the "father of the Red Army," convened a military meeting under the banyan tree on the shore of the Tianxinwei River, summed up the lessons learned since the uprising, straightened out, explained the revolutionary situation and tasks, and pointed out that the final victory must be ours, so as to inspire emotions and strengthen confidence. Zhu De pointed out very seriously: "As everyone knows, the Great Revolution has failed, and our uprising has also failed! But we still want revolution. Comrades, those who want revolution, follow me, and those who are not revolutionary can go home, not reluctantly! ”

At this point, Zhu De looked at everyone with a solemn look and said categorically, "However, the low tide of revolution is temporary, and the banner of armed struggle is eternal." Only by persisting in the revolution can we achieve final victory. Everyone must clearly see the future of the revolution. The Chinese Revolution of 1927 is like the Russian Revolution of 1905. After the defeat of the revolution in 1905, Russia was dark, but the darkness was temporary, and in 1917 the revolution finally succeeded. The Chinese revolution is now defeated and is dark, but darkness is also temporary. China will also have a '1917' one. As long as the strength can be preserved, the revolution has a way, and you should believe this. Now I declare that those who do not want to stay in the army can go home and pay for the journey, but the weapons must be left behind, which the comrades have exchanged for their lives and blood. He continued: "I still hope that everyone will stay in the team, I will not go, I believe that the future of the Chinese revolution is bright." ”

As soon as Zhu De finished speaking, some comrades expressed their stance: "I resolutely support the revolution and carry out the armed struggle to the end!" Subsequently, they expressed their willingness to stay in the team. Through this reorganization of the army, the members of the army have raised their consciousness, strengthened their revolutionary convictions, enhanced their consciousness of observing discipline, and taken on a new look.

Zhu De's mobilization lasted for more than an hour, and he incisively analyzed the political situation at that time and showed the bright prospects for the revolution to continue to develop, which was convincing and deeply moving, so that comrades could see the light in the darkness and strengthen their confidence in victory.

Comrade Zhu De's speech expounded two political programs: First, communism must win, and second, revolution depends on voluntariness. At that time, more than three hundred officers and soldiers were walked, but what remained were the essence of the revolution, many of whom later became famous senior generals of the people's army and made indelible contributions to the Chinese revolution.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"


The tianxin wei whole army was a turning point in the nanchang rebel army's thousand-mile turn. Since then, the troops have embarked on a new journey, traveling through the jungles of southern Hunan and northern Guangdong, and finally at the end of April 1928, the remaining troops of the Nanchang Uprising were taken to Jinggangshan to preserve the flames of the revolution.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"

Look at the 1955 Chinese people's Liberation Army awarded the title, Zhu De, who was the head of the top ten marshals, Lin Biao, who ranked third of the top ten marshals, Chen Yi, who ranked six of the top ten marshals, and Su Yu, who ranked the head of the top ten generals, all stood in the ranks of more than 800 people in Tianxinwei in October 1927.

We know from the fact that so many famous high-ranking generals have been produced in this remarkable contingent that the more than 800 people reorganized in Tianxinwei were one of the basic groups of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to bury the Chiang family dynasty in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

The wind and thunder were as fierce as yesterday: in 1927, the anyuan Tianxin Wei reorganized the army, laying the strong cornerstone of the "Zhumao Red Army"



This is a time destined to go down in history.

Tutorame is quietly opening up in this early winter in gannan land. The afternoon sun is like wild grass, rushing down from all angles. Large banyan trees are covered with white pillars and black tiles, and birds chirp into the shade. This voice still has the resilience of 1927, endless, not discouraged, I vaguely see that the 41-year-old Zhu De is taking firm and powerful steps, leading his 800 athletes to walk on the road of history,,,,,,

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